Where the highest home insurance rates by state are: #1 won’t surprise you!


2. Louisiana 

Average home insurance rate per month 

Average home insurance rate per year 



Following closely in second place is Louisiana, where hurricanes are a major threat to every resident’s property, livelihood, and safety. The deadly Hurricane Katrina stunned the nation in 2005, when it wreaked havoc in New Orleans. Due to this, Louisiana’s homeowners’ insurance market is in shambles and policy costs keep rising. 

3. Nebraska 

Average home insurance rate per month 

Average home insurance rate per year 



Aside from the weather conditions, Nebraska’s home insurance rates are also at an all-time high due to increasing fees for roof replacement caused by hailstorms. This makes it land in the no. 3 spot of our list. Blizzards and drought also play a role in other house repairs, causing high insurance claims. 

4. Oklahoma 

Average home insurance rate per month 

Average home insurance rate per year 



Taking the fourth place is Oklahoma where drastic changes in the weather drive up not just the insurance premiums for houses but also car insurance costs. Oklahoma faces numerous natural calamities per year including hurricanes, windstorms, tornadoes, and hailstorms.  

5. Mississippi 

Average home insurance rate per month 

Average home insurance rate per year 



Hurricane-prone Mississippi is at the fifth spot of our list of highest home insurance rates. Its average insurance rate of $4,289 per year is nearly double the national average. Shifting climate causes property perils in this state. Plus, the temperature is humid, resulting in heavy downpours. In turn, Mississippi’s harsh weather conditions cause insurance rates to climb. 

6. Texas 

Average home insurance rate per month 

Average home insurance rate per year 



At no. 6 is Texas, where the temperature is relatively warm and humid Like Mississippi. Still, Texas experiences heavy rains in the spring and in the beginning of autumn. 


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