List of All EIG Hosts, Why You Should Avoid Them + Alternatives

web hosting guide

Endurance International Group (EIG) stands as a titan in the web hosting industry, not for its stellar service or commitment to customer satisfaction, but rather for its relentless acquisition spree and the subsequent decline in quality across its vast portfolio of hosting brands. Founded in 1997, EIG has morphed into a conglomerate notorious for its cutthroat tactics and profit-driven approach, leaving a trail of disgruntled customers and tarnished reputations in its wake.

A full list of EIG hosting brands
A.K.A. – the hosting providers you should avoid.

A Small Orange
Constant Contact
Cloud by IX
SuperGreen Hosting
Escalate Internet
Host Clear
Host Nine
My Reseller Home
Net Firms
Virtual Avenue
Berry Information Systems
Host Centric

Please note that this list may change over time due to acquisitions, divestitures, or other corporate actions. It’s always a good idea to verify the current ownership of hosting providers if you’re considering their services.
Read below on why you should avoid them. Although you’ve probably already read thousands of reviews on Reddit and various other forums.
Best alternatives to EIG hosts
Generally, all hosting providers featured on our site are NOT EIG and are good. We intentionally avoid promoting EIG hosts. The hosts we do review and have a positive review of, are not part of EIG.
So the list of alternatives to EIG hosts, A.K.A. – the hosts you should use:

DreamHost: DreamHost is known for its commitment to open-source technology, reliability, and transparency. They offer shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated servers, along with a range of features like unlimited bandwidth and SSD storage.
A2 Hosting: A2 Hosting is praised for its high-speed performance, developer-friendly features, and excellent customer support. They offer a variety of hosting options, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, reseller hosting, and dedicated servers.
GreenGeeks: GreenGeeks stands out for its eco-friendly hosting solutions, reliable performance, and excellent customer service. They offer shared hosting, VPS hosting, reseller hosting, and dedicated servers, all powered by renewable energy sources.
WP Engine: WP Engine specializes in managed WordPress hosting, providing optimized performance, automatic updates, and robust security features. They offer a range of hosting plans tailored specifically for WordPress websites, with a focus on reliability and scalability.
SolaDrive: SolaDrive offers high-performance managed hosting solutions tailored to businesses of all sizes. Known for their excellent uptime, fast loading speeds, and personalized customer support, SolaDrive specializes in managed VPS hosting, dedicated servers, and cloud solutions with a focus on security and reliability.
ExtraVM: ExtraVM is a trusted provider of reliable and affordable hosting solutions, including VPS hosting, dedicated servers, and game server hosting. With a commitment to performance optimization, DDoS protection, and responsive customer support, ExtraVM caters to gamers, developers, and businesses seeking fast and secure hosting services.
Hawk Host: Hawk Host is known for its reliable hosting services, affordable pricing, and excellent customer support. They offer a variety of hosting options, including shared hosting, reseller hosting, semi-dedicated hosting, and cloud hosting, with a focus on performance and security.
Scala Hosting: Scala Hosting offers innovative hosting solutions, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated servers, with a strong emphasis on reliability, security, and scalability. Known for their advanced features, proactive monitoring, and responsive customer support, Scala Hosting is a popular choice for businesses and developers alike.
FastComet: FastComet is recognized for its fast and reliable hosting services, comprehensive features, and stellar customer support. They offer shared hosting, cloud VPS hosting, dedicated servers, and managed WordPress hosting, with data centers located worldwide and a strong commitment to customer satisfaction.
Cloudways: Cloudways is a leading provider of managed cloud hosting services, offering an intuitive platform that allows users to deploy and manage cloud servers with ease. With support for popular cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, and Vultr, Cloudways provides scalable and flexible hosting solutions tailored to the needs of businesses and developers

And there are more. You should check our Reviews to find out more hosts.
Why you should avoid EIG hosts
EIG’s significance in the web hosting landscape is marked by its sheer size and market dominance, but this dominance is more a result of corporate maneuvering than genuine merit. Over the years, EIG has swallowed up countless smaller hosting companies, absorbing them into its labyrinthine network of subsidiaries. This strategy, while lucrative for EIG’s bottom line, has led to a homogenization of the hosting industry, where once-distinct brands are now mere cogs in EIG’s profit machine.
The allure of EIG’s hosting brands lies primarily in their affordability, a deceptive facade that masks a litany of shortcomings. From Bluehost to HostGator, iPage to Constant Contact, EIG’s roster reads like a who’s who of budget hosting providers. Yet, beneath the veneer of low prices lies a web of deceit and disappointment. Customers who entrust their websites to EIG-owned hosts often find themselves mired in a quagmire of sluggish performance, frequent downtime, and abysmal customer support.
One of the most egregious sins of EIG is its propensity for overselling server resources. In pursuit of ever-greater profits, EIG packs its servers to the brim, cramming as many websites onto each machine as possible. The result? A digital slum where websites jostle for meager scraps of bandwidth, leading to sluggish load times, unexplained outages, and an overall subpar user experience. EIG’s disregard for quality in favor of quantity has turned once-reliable hosting brands into virtual ghost towns, haunted by the specter of poor performance.
But perhaps the most damning indictment of EIG is its callous disregard for the security and privacy of its customers’ data. With a track record marred by security breaches and data leaks, EIG-hosted websites are akin to digital fortresses with paper-thin walls. Time and again, customers have fallen victim to hackers and cybercriminals, their personal information laid bare for all to see. Yet, EIG remains indifferent, more concerned with profit margins than the safety of its users.
In conclusion, EIG’s significance in the web hosting industry is a cautionary tale of corporate greed run amok. Behind the facade of affordability lies a dark underbelly of neglect and incompetence, where customers are treated as little more than expendable commodities. As the web hosting landscape becomes increasingly commoditized, it’s more important than ever for consumers to steer clear of EIG’s siren song and seek out alternatives that prioritize quality and reliability over profit margins.
Beware of Fake and Sponsored “Top 10 Best Hosts” Lists
It’s essential to be wary of websites that claim to provide unbiased rankings of the best hosting providers, particularly when they include EIG hosting brands in their top recommendations. Many of these lists are not based on genuine user experiences or rigorous testing but are instead sponsored or influenced by affiliate partnerships.
These fake and sponsored “Top 10 Best Hosts” lists often prioritize profits over providing accurate and impartial information to consumers. They may include EIG hosting brands prominently because they offer lucrative affiliate commissions for referrals, rather than because they genuinely offer the best hosting services.
Unfortunately, unsuspecting consumers may fall victim to these misleading lists, believing they are making an informed decision when choosing a hosting provider. However, relying on these lists can lead to disappointment and frustration, as EIG hosting brands are known for their subpar services and numerous customer complaints.
To ensure you’re selecting a reliable hosting provider, it’s essential to do your research and look beyond sponsored lists. Seek out independent reviews, consult forums and discussion boards, and ask for recommendations from trusted sources in the industry. By taking the time to investigate thoroughly, you can avoid falling prey to fake and sponsored recommendations and choose a hosting provider that truly meets your needs.
The Decline of EIG’s hosts quality
When it comes to the litany of complaints against EIG, few issues loom larger in the minds of its customers than the trifecta of slow loading times, frequent downtime, and abysmal customer support. These issues, far from being isolated incidents, are emblematic of the systemic failures that plague EIG’s hosting services, leaving customers frustrated and disillusioned.
One need only peruse the countless online forums and review sites dedicated to web hosting to find a plethora of horror stories from EIG’s customers. Tales of websites grinding to a halt under the weight of sluggish loading times are a dime a dozen, with users reporting load times measured not in seconds, but in geological epochs. Whether it’s a personal blog struggling to load a few images or an e-commerce site brought to its knees by a surge in traffic, the end result is the same: lost revenue, lost opportunities, and lost trust in EIG’s ability to deliver on its promises.
But slow loading times are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the woes experienced by EIG’s customers. Frequent downtime, often attributed to overcrowded servers and poor infrastructure, is a constant source of frustration for those unlucky enough to be hosted by EIG. Whether it’s a server outage that lasts for hours or a series of intermittent outages that disrupt service throughout the day, the impact on businesses and individuals can be devastating. From lost sales to damaged reputations, the consequences of EIG’s inability to keep its servers running smoothly are felt far and wide.
And then there’s the issue of customer support, or lack thereof. For many customers, reaching out to EIG’s support team is an exercise in futility, with long wait times, unresponsive representatives, and canned responses that do little to address the underlying issues. Tales abound of customers spending hours on hold only to be met with indifference or incompetence when they finally do get through. For those unlucky enough to encounter problems outside of normal business hours, the situation is even bleaker, with no one available to provide assistance when it’s needed most.
But perhaps the most frustrating aspect of dealing with EIG’s customer support is the lack of accountability. Time and again, customers report being passed from one representative to another, each more clueless than the last, with no resolution in sight. Requests for refunds or compensation for downtime are met with stony silence or outright rejection, leaving customers feeling like little more than cash cows to be milked for all they’re worth.
EIG has long been synonymous with consolidation in the web hosting industry, gobbling up smaller hosting companies like a voracious predator devouring its prey. Yet, far from ushering in a new era of innovation and excellence, this consolidation has instead paved the way for a decline in service quality and support, leaving customers stranded in a digital wasteland of broken promises and shattered dreams.
At the heart of EIG’s consolidation strategy lies a ruthless quest for market dominance at any cost. By acquiring smaller hosting companies and folding them into its ever-expanding portfolio of brands, EIG has created a virtual monopoly in the web hosting industry, with few viable alternatives for customers seeking refuge from its grasp. But while this consolidation may have bolstered EIG’s bottom line, it has come at a steep cost to the quality of service and support offered to customers.
One of the most significant casualties of EIG’s consolidation spree has been the homogenization of its hosting brands. Once-distinct companies with their own unique identities and service offerings have been assimilated into EIG’s monolithic empire, losing their individuality in the process. What were once vibrant communities of users with shared interests and goals have been reduced to mere subdivisions of a faceless corporate behemoth, their voices drowned out by the cacophony of EIG’s profit-driven agenda.
The consequences of this homogenization are manifold, but perhaps most acutely felt in the realm of customer support. Gone are the days of personalized service and dedicated support teams attuned to the needs of their users. In their place stand impersonal call centers staffed by overworked and underpaid representatives, armed with little more than a script and a mandate to get customers off the phone as quickly as possible. The result is a customer support experience that feels more like a Kafkaesque nightmare than a lifeline for those in need of assistance.
But the decline in service quality goes beyond just customer support. The very infrastructure underpinning EIG’s hosting services has also suffered as a result of consolidation. With so many disparate brands crammed onto the same servers and sharing the same resources, performance issues abound, leading to slow loading times, frequent downtime, and an overall subpar user experience. What was once a reliable hosting solution has become a liability, with customers left to fend for themselves in the face of mounting frustrations and diminishing returns.
In conclusion, the issues of slow loading times, frequent downtime, and poor customer support are not mere aberrations in EIG’s service offering, but rather symptoms of a deeper malaise that pervades the company’s entire business model. Until EIG addresses these fundamental shortcomings and begins to prioritize the needs of its customers over its own bottom line, the litany of complaints against it will continue to grow, leaving a trail of disillusioned customers in its wake.
Overselling and Overcrowding of Servers
EIG operates with a profit-centric business model that places the pursuit of financial gain above all else, including the performance and reliability of its hosting services. This relentless focus on profit maximization has led EIG to engage in the practice of overselling server resources, a shortsighted strategy that prioritizes short-term gains over long-term sustainability.
Overselling occurs when a hosting provider allocates more resources, such as disk space, bandwidth, and CPU power, to customers than the physical server can actually support. EIG’s rationale for overselling is simple: by packing as many customers onto each server as possible, the company can maximize its revenue streams without incurring significant additional costs. However, this approach comes at a steep price, as overselling inevitably leads to a host of performance and reliability issues for customers.
The consequences of EIG’s overselling practices are manifold, with overcrowded servers serving as the breeding ground for a litany of performance and reliability issues that plague its customers. One of the most immediate and noticeable effects of overcrowding is slower website speeds. With an excessive number of websites vying for limited server resources, load times can skyrocket, leaving visitors frustrated and impatient. Whether it’s a personal blog struggling to load a few images or an e-commerce site brought to its knees by a surge in traffic, the end result is the same: lost revenue, lost opportunities, and lost trust in EIG’s ability to deliver on its promises.
Decreased reliability is another hallmark of overcrowded servers. As the demands placed on these servers exceed their capacity, they become increasingly prone to crashes and downtime. What might start as an occasional blip in service can quickly escalate into a full-blown outage, leaving customers stranded without access to their websites or email accounts. For businesses reliant on their online presence for revenue generation, these disruptions can have devastating consequences, eroding customer trust and damaging brand reputation.
In addition to performance and reliability issues, overcrowded servers also pose a significant security risk to EIG’s customers. With so many websites packed onto a single server, the potential for cross-site contamination and security vulnerabilities skyrockets. A security breach on one website can easily spread to others, putting sensitive data and personal information at risk. Moreover, the sheer volume of websites hosted on overcrowded servers makes them an attractive target for hackers and cybercriminals, who see them as low-hanging fruit ripe for exploitation.
In conclusion, EIG’s profit-driven approach to hosting has created a perfect storm of overcrowded servers, slow website speeds, decreased reliability, and increased vulnerability to security threats. Until EIG prioritizes the needs of its customers over its own bottom line, these issues will continue to plague its hosting services, leaving customers stranded in a digital wasteland of broken promises and shattered dreams.
Bad Customer Support
When it comes to customer support, EIG has earned a reputation for its abysmal performance, with a litany of complaints flooding online forums and review sites. At the heart of these grievances lie three recurring issues: long wait times, unhelpful representatives, and scripted responses. Together, these shortcomings paint a damning portrait of EIG’s customer support infrastructure, revealing a company more concerned with cutting costs than with providing quality service to its customers.
Long wait times are perhaps the most common complaint leveled against EIG’s customer support. Customers report spending hours on hold, waiting for a representative to answer their call or respond to their online inquiry. What should be a simple request for assistance often devolves into an exercise in frustration, as customers are forced to endure endless hold music and automated messages assuring them that their call is important while precious time ticks away.
Even when customers do manage to connect with a representative, their troubles are far from over. EIG’s support staff are frequently described as unhelpful, ill-informed, and indifferent to the needs of their customers. Rather than providing meaningful assistance or guidance, representatives often resort to reading from a script or regurgitating canned responses that do little to address the underlying issues. For customers grappling with complex technical problems or urgent issues, this lack of expertise and empathy only serves to compound their frustration and exacerbate their sense of helplessness.
But perhaps the most egregious aspect of EIG’s customer support is the pervasive use of scripted responses. Rather than engaging with customers on a personal level and providing tailored solutions to their unique problems, representatives are encouraged to rely on pre-written scripts that offer little flexibility or nuance. This one-size-fits-all approach not only fails to address the specific needs of individual customers but also serves to further alienate them, leaving them feeling like little more than a number in a database.
“I’ve been a customer of EIG for years, but my recent experience with their customer support has left me seriously considering taking my business elsewhere. After encountering a problem with my website, I reached out to their support team for assistance, only to be met with long wait times and unhelpful representatives who seemed more interested in getting me off the phone than actually solving my problem. When I finally did manage to get through to someone, their response was so scripted and robotic that I wondered if I was speaking to a human being at all. Needless to say, I’m deeply disappointed with the level of service I’ve received from EIG, and I’ll be looking for a new hosting provider as soon as possible.”
“As a small business owner, I rely on my website to attract customers and generate revenue. So when my site went down unexpectedly, I reached out to EIG’s customer support for help. What followed was a nightmare of epic proportions. Not only did I have to wait on hold for over an hour before speaking to a representative, but when I finally did get through, they were completely clueless about how to fix the problem. It was clear that they were reading from a script and had no real understanding of the technical issues at hand. After hours of frustration and no resolution in sight, I decided to cut my losses and switch to a different hosting provider. EIG’s customer support is a joke, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.”
In conclusion, EIG’s customer support leaves much to be desired, with long wait times, unhelpful representatives, and scripted responses driving customers to the brink of despair. Until EIG takes meaningful steps to improve its support infrastructure and prioritize the needs of its customers, these complaints will continue to mount, tarnishing the company’s reputation and driving customers into the arms of its competitors.
Data Privacy and Security Concerns
Entrusting sensitive data to EIG hosting providers is akin to playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette, with the odds heavily stacked against the safety and security of your information. EIG’s track record when it comes to protecting customer data is nothing short of abysmal, with a laundry list of security breaches and data leaks serving as a stark reminder of the risks inherent in doing business with the company.
Instances of security breaches and data leaks are disturbingly common occurrences across EIG’s sprawling network of hosting brands. From Bluehost to HostGator, iPage to Constant Contact, no corner of EIG’s empire is immune from the threat of cyberattacks and data breaches. Whether it’s a vulnerability in a server’s software or a lapse in security protocols, the consequences of these breaches can be catastrophic, exposing sensitive customer information to prying eyes and leaving individuals and businesses vulnerable to identity theft, fraud, and other forms of cybercrime.
But perhaps even more troubling than the breaches themselves is EIG’s lackluster response to them. Time and again, the company has been slow to acknowledge security incidents, leaving affected customers in the dark and failing to take meaningful action to mitigate the damage. Rather than proactively addressing security vulnerabilities and implementing robust safeguards to protect customer data, EIG has chosen to prioritize its own reputation and bottom line, leaving customers to fend for themselves in the face of mounting threats.
At the heart of EIG’s security woes lies a fundamental disregard for the importance of investing in robust security infrastructure. In its relentless pursuit of profit, the company has consistently prioritized cost-cutting measures over investments in security, leaving its hosting platforms woefully ill-equipped to defend against the ever-evolving threat landscape of the digital world.
One of the most glaring examples of EIG’s negligence when it comes to security is its failure to keep its software and systems up to date. Outdated software is a prime target for hackers and cybercriminals, who exploit known vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to servers and databases. Yet, despite the clear and present danger posed by outdated software, EIG has been slow to implement patches and updates, leaving its customers exposed to unnecessary risks.
But it’s not just a lack of updates that puts EIG’s customers at risk – it’s also a lack of investment in cutting-edge security technologies and practices. While other hosting providers invest heavily in advanced security measures such as encryption, intrusion detection, and malware scanning, EIG has chosen to cut corners, relying on outdated and ineffective security measures that are easily bypassed by determined attackers. This penny-pinching approach to security not only jeopardizes the safety of customer data but also erodes trust in EIG’s ability to safeguard the information entrusted to it.
In conclusion, EIG’s cavalier attitude toward security poses a grave risk to its customers, with security breaches and data leaks serving as a chilling reminder of the consequences of prioritizing profit over protection. Until EIG takes meaningful steps to invest in robust security infrastructure and prioritize the safety and security of its customers’ data, the risks associated with entrusting sensitive information to its hosting platforms will remain unacceptably high.
Summary on EIG (Newfold Digital) Hosts
EIG web hosting providers should be avoided like the plague for a multitude of reasons, all of which paint a grim picture of the company’s prioritization of profit over customer satisfaction and security. From chronic performance issues to abysmal customer support and a blatant disregard for data security, EIG’s track record is rife with examples of incompetence, negligence, and outright exploitation. To entrust your website, your business, and your sensitive data to an EIG hosting provider is to gamble with your online presence and livelihood, exposing yourself to unnecessary risks and headaches that could easily be avoided by choosing a more reputable and reliable hosting provider.
When it comes to selecting a web hosting provider, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Your website is the face of your business, the storefront through which customers interact with your brand and transact with your products or services. In today’s hyper-competitive digital landscape, the quality and reliability of your hosting provider can make or break your online presence, influencing everything from website performance and user experience to search engine rankings and customer trust.
Given the critical importance of your hosting provider to the success of your online endeavors, it’s essential to prioritize quality and reliability above all else when making your decision. While it may be tempting to opt for a budget hosting provider like those offered by EIG, the risks far outweigh the potential savings. Instead, invest in a reputable hosting provider that prioritizes performance, security, and customer satisfaction, even if it means paying a little more upfront. In the long run, the peace of mind and reliability offered by a quality hosting provider will far outweigh any short-term cost savings, ensuring a positive online presence and user experience that sets you apart from the competition and helps your business thrive in the digital age.
If you’ve had the misfortune of hosting your website with an EIG provider, you’re not alone. Countless individuals and businesses have fallen victim to the company’s subpar services, chronic performance issues, and abysmal customer support. But your voice matters, and your experiences can help shed light on the dark underbelly of the web hosting industry.
We encourage you to share your own experiences with EIG hosting providers and contribute to the ongoing conversation about the state of the industry. Whether you’ve encountered slow loading times, frequent downtime, unresponsive customer support, or security breaches, your insights can help others make informed decisions about their hosting providers and avoid falling into the same trap.
By sharing your experiences, you’re not only holding EIG accountable for its failings but also helping to foster transparency and accountability in the web hosting industry as a whole. Together, we can shine a light on the shady practices and predatory tactics that have become all too common in the industry and demand better from companies like EIG.
So don’t hesitate to speak up and share your story. Whether it’s through online forums, review sites, or social media platforms, your voice matters, and your experiences can make a difference. Together, let’s ensure that the web hosting industry serves the needs of its customers, not the interests of profit-driven conglomerates like EIG.


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