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Mentre l’Italia viene elogiata per l’utilizzo dell’open-source, una petizione del progetto KDE chiede alla UE di riprendere a finanziare il software libero

Acquista CD/DVD Distro GNU/Linux

Partiamo con una buona notizia: l’Italia viene elogiata dall’Open Source Observatory (OSOR) per il fatto di aver dichiarato l’importanza chiave dell’open-source all’interno del contesto di digitalizzazione dei servizi pubblici, il tutto dichiarato all’interno del Piano Triennale per l’informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione ed esposto dalle parole del direttore dell’AGID, Mario Nobile:

Una parte fondamentale delle direttive è dedicata all’open source, per migliorare l’efficienza e la trasparenza della pubblica amministrazione italiana e prevenire il rischio di lock-in tecnologico.

L’obiettivo è promuovere il riuso di soluzioni open source per migliorare la qualità delle applicazioni e dei servizi della pubblica amministrazione, innescare significativi risparmi sui costi e favorire la creazione di comunità di riuso tra le pubbliche amministrazioni che adottano software condiviso e aperto.

Il piano nella sostanza prevede di massimizzare il riutilizzo del software open source, fissando obiettivi ambiziosi tra cui il raggiungimento di almeno 125 amministrazioni che rilascino software open source e almeno 2.800 enti che riutilizzano software open source in Developers Italia nel 2025, l’entità che raggruppa lo sviluppo community dei servizi pubblici.

Insomma, per una volta raccontiamo una notizia in cui l’Italia si distingue in ambito open, nello stesso momento in cui in la marina tedesca mette da parte i floppy disk.

Tralasciando le ilarità però, allargando l’orizzonte verso l’Unione Europea, le notizie non sono altrettanto felici, quantomeno per il progetto KDE.

Pare infatti nel prospetto degli investimenti prossimo futuri del programma Next Generation Internet (NGI) il progetto KDE, che sin dal 2020 riceveva donazioni in questo senso per i suoi progetti NeoChat, Kaidan, KDE Connect, KMail e tanti altri, sia stato escluso.

Da qui la scelta di firmare una petizione per spingere la UE a rivedere i propri piani e riconsiderare la direzione dei fondi, i quali non sono per nulla irrisori (l’ordine di grandezza è quello di 27 milioni di Euro).

Semplice svista o scelta voluta?

Staremo a vedere, ma è chiaro come la sopravvivenza di software come quelli menzionati dipenda strettamente da questo genere di fondi ed in questo senso c’è da sperare che la UE riveda i propri piani.

Raoul Scarazzini

Da sempre appassionato del mondo open-source e di Linux nel 2009 ho fondato il portale Mia Mamma Usa Linux! per condividere articoli, notizie ed in generale tutto quello che riguarda il mondo del pinguino, con particolare attenzione alle tematiche di interoperabilità, HA e cloud.E, sì, mia mamma usa Linux dal 2009.

Fonte: https://www.miamammausalinux.org/2024/07/mentre-litalia-viene-elogiata-per-lutilizzo-dellopen-source-una-petizione-del-progetto-kde-chiede-alla-ue-di-riprendere-a-finanziare-il-software-libero/
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Sparky 2024.05 – SparkyLinux


Last Updated on: 7th May 2024, 09:46 am This is an update of Sparky semi-rolling iso images of the Debian testing line, which provides autopartitioning option of the CLI Installer, package updating as usually, and new features.
Main changes:– all packages upgraded from Debian and Sparky testing repos as of May 5, 2024– Linux kernel 6.7.12 (6.8.9, 6.6.30-LTS, 6.1.90-LTS, 5.15.158-LTS in Sparky repos)– Firefox 115.10.0-ESR (125.0.3 in Sparky repos)– Thunderbird 115.10.1– LibreOffice 24.2.0– nala removed; apt is in use back to upgrade packages by sparky-upgrade (spu)– Mate: galculator replaced by mate-calc– all: added new packages: orca, noi, qt6ct
The latest version of Sparky CLI Installer provides a few changes, such as autopartitioning option and so, autosetting the target system a little faster: /sparky-cli-installer-with-autopartitioning/
The nala doesn’t upgrade packages properly as apt, so I recommend to uninstall nala on Sparky testing.
There is also issue of libgnutls-dane0 package (massive package update in testing) which has to be uninstalled before upgrading other packages.
There are 3 new package repo and ISO mirror servers available for downloading iso images and installing packages, located: US2 in NY, USA, SI1 and SI2 in Singapore, Asia. All 3 servers are provided thanks to Astian, Inc. -> /new-mirrors-in-usa-and-singapore/
The live user password: liveroot password is empty.If you have Sparky rolling installed, simply keep it up to date. No need to reinstall your OS.
Get new semi-rolling iso images from: /download/rolling/ page.
Informacja o wydaniu w języku polskim: https://linuxiarze.pl/sparky-2024-05/


Regenerate Expired Puppet Master Certificate | Lisenet.com :: Linux | Security

Lisenet.com :: Linux

Renewing an expired Puppet master certificate.
The Problem
It has been 5 years since the Puppet server v5 deployment, and the Puppet master certificate has therefore expired.
# puppet cert list –all
– “puppet.example.com” (SHA256) 11:36:8F:20:BB:3D:1C:5B:D9:1D:55:68:D9:CC:0D:D4:3A:E6:C4:0E:8B:02:32:E6:72:D4:F6:D1:07:10:47:E1 (certificate has expired)
– “ip-10-10-10-18.eu-west-1.compute.internal” (SHA256) 11:39:B9:1E:7B:A3:EC:28:3A:E8:C0:77:58:96:3F:12:C6:39:04:54:DC:CF:56:54:25:63:B2:DA:19:50:D1:90 (certificate has expired)
+ “ip-10-10-11-70.eu-west-2.compute.internal” (SHA256) 11:F6:EC:D7:6A:DC:5F:85:07:43:FC:E5:16:6A:5E:3E:8A:5B:D7:1A:70:E7:B2:79:8E:E1:A6:EB:D0:CB:7B:5C
+ “ip-10-10-12-54.eu-west-2.compute.internal” (SHA256) 11:10:19:BF:87:27:16:CC:FC:4D:78:22:B1:0F:A1:BB:AF:35:B2:E3:E6:6F:86:8B:69:24:AB:FD:AB:E4:11:94

$ rpm -qa | grep puppet

The Solution: Regenerate Certificates
Leaving aside the fact that Puppet v5.5 is EOL, we needed to bring the system back to a working state.
First of all, back up the Puppet’s SSL directory, which is in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/. If something goes wrong, you can always restore the files back to what they were before.
# cp -pr /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl_backup
Stop the Puppet agent service (on the master server):
# puppet resource service puppet ensure=stopped
Remove the expired Puppet master certificate.
# puppet cert clean puppet.example.com
Warning: `puppet cert` is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
(location: /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/application.rb:370:in `run’)
Notice: Revoked certificate with serial 40
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::Certificate puppet.example.com at ‘/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/signed/puppet.example.com.pem’
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::Certificate puppet.example.com at ‘/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/puppet.example.com.pem’
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::Key puppet.example.com at ‘/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/puppet.example.com.pem’

Stop the Puppet master service.
# puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=stopped
Generate a new Puppet master certificate. When you see the message Notice: Starting Puppet master , type CTRL + C.
# puppet master –no-daemonize –verbose
Info: Creating a new SSL key for puppet.example.com
Info: csr_attributes file loading from /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml
Info: Creating a new SSL certificate request for puppet.example.com
Info: Certificate Request fingerprint (SHA256): 22:A5:8E:A1:B2:96:4B:76:AC:71:FF:F8:5D:3C:4B:E1:A3:6D:E3:BA:08:F3:7A:7F:BF:D1:43:5E:2F:32:92:83
Notice: puppet.example.com has a waiting certificate request
Notice: Signed certificate request for puppet.example.com
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest puppet.example.com at ‘/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/puppet.example.com.pem’
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest puppet.example.com at ‘/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests/puppet.example.com.pem’
Warning: The WEBrick Puppet master server is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use Puppet Server instead. See http://links.puppet.com/deprecate-rack-webrick-servers for more information.
(location: /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/application/master.rb:207:in `main’)
Warning: Accessing ‘bindaddress’ as a setting is deprecated.
(location: /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/settings.rb:1210:in `issue_deprecation_warning’)
Notice: Starting Puppet master version 5.5.22

Start the Puppet master service.
# puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running
Start the Puppet agent service.
# puppet resource service puppet ensure=running
Verify by invoking Puppet agent:
# puppet agent -tv
Info: Using configured environment ‘production’
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Retrieving locales
Info: Loading facts
Info: Caching catalog for puppet.example.com
Info: Applying configuration version ‘1712255587’
Notice: Applied catalog in 7.20 seconds

Automatically Take Versioned Steam Save-Game Snapshots Using Steamback

Automatically Take Versioned Steam Save-Game Snapshots Using Steamback

Steamback is a Steam Deck plugin and desktop application which adds versioned save-game snapshots to Steam Cloud-enabled games.Steamback waits for your Steam games with Steam Cloud support to exit, and it takes local snapshots when it sees updated game saves. The ten most recent snapshots are stored, so you can re-use any of them later.To have Steamback take snapshots of your save-games, make sure to launch the application before playing any Steam games. On the left-hand side of its main window, Steamback shows a list of installed Steam games that are supported, and on the right, a list of save-game snapshots and the time they were taken. To revert to a save-game, click it and a button which allows reverting to this snapshot will be displayed.The tool was initially started as a plugin for Steam Deck (Decky Loader). The developer has received requests for a desktop version, and they built one recently using Python and Tk for the GUI. The desktop version runs with a GUI, or it can run as a daemon, looking for game backups in the background.To run Steamback as a daemon, open a terminal and type:steamback –daemonThe software doesn’t support taking save-game snapshots for games that don’t support Steam Cloud, and the ability to easily export your game saves to other machines, but maybe we’ll see this in future releases. Even without these features, though, Steamback is already a very useful tool.It’s worth noting that the Steamback is currently not considered stable software, so you may find bugs! The Steamback developer has recently made a post on r/linux_gaming which announces Steamback but is also looking for beta testers, so check out the Reddit thread in case you want to help.Also, Steamback for desktops was tested on Linux, but it may also work on Microsoft Windows and macOS. Its developer is looking for testers and/or patches (if needed) for Windows and macOS.How to install the SteambackThe Steamback Steam Deck plugin is available in the Decky loader plug-in store so you can install it from there.The Steamback desktop application can be installed from PyPI, using pip/pipx. I recommend installing it using pipx.Install pipx from your distribution’s repositories. Here’s the command to install pipx on some popular Linux distributions:Debian, Ubuntu and Linux distributions based on these (Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Pop!_OS, Zorin OS, etc.):sudo apt install pipxsudo dnf install pipxsudo pacman -S python-pipxsudo zypper install python-pipxOnce pipx is installed, run the following command to ensure directories necessary for pipx operation are in your PATH:pipx ensurepathNow you can install Steamback, using the following command:pipx install steambackLater, when you want to upgrade it, you can do it using: pipx upgrade steambackSteamback is not shown in the applications menu so to launch it, press Alt + F2 and type steamback, or open a terminal and type steamback.

Bettercap : MITM attack for sniffing traffic and passwords

Bettercap : MITM attack for sniffing traffic and passwords


Sniffing Traffic
Getting password

We will be installing Bettercap, doing a quick sniffing exercise, and then a more detailed section on grabbing the password. Will demonstrate the password grabbing on outlook.com, which seems to be particularly vulnerable to this attack.

Installing bettercap

Installation is simple-

apt-get update

apt-get dist-upgrade

apt-get install bettercap
The above three commands will leave you with latest versions of Kali and bettercap. PS: I am writing this tutorial from a location with slow internet connection, and hence didn’t perform the dist-upgrade step. However, bettercap seems to be running mostly fine. There may be a few difference in what you observe and what I show in this demo due to this difference in versions. For those who want to know the versions of various utilities that I’m using, take a look below. If you are unfamiliar with Linux, you’re best off using the latest versions of everything, which can be obtained by running the three commands I mentioned earlier.new@kali:~$ uname -aLinux kali 4.7.0-kali1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.7.6-1kali1 (2016-10-17) x86_64 GNU/Linux

new@kali:~$ ruby -v

ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26) [x86_64-linux-gnu]

Not on Kali?

The readme on github repository of bettercap is quite comprehensive, and would help you install bettercap on most linux distributions. After installation the process should be same for Kali or any other Linux distribution.

Sniffing Traffic

There’s nothing special about the usual sniffing traffic functionailty of bettercap. Bettercap can easily performing sniffing on your local area network. It also lets you write the output to a pcap file and later analyze it with WireShark or some other tool of your choice. I’ll just give a simple demo here. The real fun is in the capturing passwords section.

Run the command-

bettercap –sniffer

Sniffing traffic: Screenshot shows my lenovo smartphone’srequests to truecaller being sniffed

 You’ll see all the websites being visited by all the devices on the network. Press ctrl+c to stop.Take a look at the help manual for more commands, or read the wonderful documentation.
Internet stopped working

There are plenty of open issues on the github page of bettercap. The one problem I faced was that after bettercap had finished running, the internet connection on the attacker machine (Kali) would be killed. I fixed it by simply turning restarting the wlan0 interface (turn it off and on from the gui or use ifconfig commands). Some people reported that Bettercap killed internet connection for all hosts. If you face a different issue, take a look here and see if you can find a solution.

Capturing passwords

The fun part lies here. Bettercap uses sslstrip to change https webpages to simple http ones, which ensures that the passwords are transferred in clear text, and you can read them without any issues. I will be targeting my lenovo phone from my Kali machine. First, you must find the IP of your target. This can be done by simply running bettercap and waiting for all machines on your network to show up. Once they do, you can identify the one you’re trying to attack, and note it’s IP. Then use this IP as the target IP. Let’s look at the steps first.

PS: I’m assuming you connected to the network you are attacking using the wlan0 interface. If not, specify your interface using the -I option.

Run the command bettercap on the terminal
Wait for bettercap to acquire targets.
When bettercap discovers the target you’re looking for, note down it’s IP address. Let’s call it TARGET_IP.
Press ctrl+c to stop bettercap (if internet connectivity is lost, as was in my case, restart your wlan0 interface)
Run this command – bettercap -T TARGET_IP –proxy -P POST (replace TARGET_IP with the appropriate IP)

In  my case, my target was my Lenovo smartphone. It was detected by bettercap,
and i noted down it’s IP. is what I’ll use as my TARGET_IP

Now your attacker machine is ready and listening for traffic on the network. Once your victim opens any login page, bettercap will use sslstrip to remove the https from the URL, and once the target enters his/her login credentials, you will see them in cleartext.

Let’s look at a demo run of the above procedure.

Capturing passwords entered on Outlook by smartphone user on same LAN/WLAN

This section is simply going to be a set of pictures with captions below them explaining stuff. It should be easy to follow I hope.

From this test run, here are the limitations of the tool that I observed-

The biggest problem – It does not work on all sites. Before trying outlook, I tried to see if I could carry out this MITM attack over Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, etc. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to. It only seems to work with some websites.
The difference in the URL if easily visible. Anyone who knows what https is, will notice the lack of it. I, for one, would never enter my credentials on an http page.The extra Ws in the www don’t help eitheir.
The tool isn’t perfect. There are a few bugs.

Update : Giorgio’s comment on the tutorial addresses the first and the third issues. The reason why Facebook and Gmail don’t give in to the attack is because they don’t have an http version of their websites. Bettercap can’t force Facebook to replace it’s https page with an http one, simply because there is no http version of Facebook. Secondly, Yahoo looks buggy because it’s CSS files (ones hostel by google) are served over https, and an attempt to get an http version would yield nothing, since http versions aren’t available. Hence, the CSS files are missing, and while the parts of the page which operate over http load well, the ones which are exclusively https do not.

Facebook seems immune to the attack

Yahoo’s response is buggy, but you’ll noticethat sslstrip did it’s job, the page is regular http now

The tutorial ends here, a few personal insights ahead, not very important.

How to be safe

This demo must scare you. I, for one, wasn’t sure if this tool would work at all. However, it did work very well with outlook, and somewhat worked with yahoo as well (not shown in demo). Facebook and Gmail seem to be immune to it, but I didn’t really try hard to get them, and after writing this post, I’ll try to see if I can get the tool to grab Facebook and gmail logins as well. Regardless, we see how easy it can be for someone to grab your credentials if they are on the same network as you. So how can you be safe?Here are some pointers-

Never enter your credentials on a non-https page. Also, if there’s some flaw with the https, your browser usually will point that out to you. 
Be extra careful on public wireless networks.

By clicking on details, you can see exactly how your connection toa website is encrypted.

Chrome provides detailed breakdown of the cipher used and the validity of certificate

Things to do

This tutorial is supposed to serve as an introduction to sniffing, MITM and bettercap. I have observed that posts with too much theory don’t perform too well, so I just demonstrated the functionality of the tool. However, this was a very basic exercise, and for both me you, there are things to do-

Try other functionalities offered by this tool.
Try to get it to work with Facebook and Gmail. I’ll have to approach facebook and Gmail in a different manner, read the comment by Giorgio below for more information.

If I am able to get it to work with Facebook/Gmail, I’ll write another tutorial, showing you how you can do it too.

How to install Kanboard in Ubuntu — The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide

How to install Kanboard in Ubuntu — The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide

A kanban board is a way to visually depict work at various stages of a process using cards to represent work items and columns to represent each stage of the process. Cards are moved from left to right to show progress and to help coordinate teams performing the work. Kanboards traditionally used post-it notes on whiteboards, however these days many people like to use online versions.

Trello is one such product. It’s a web based one, and I used it for a long while. Recently, it’s been bought out by Atlassian, and as such, it’s become an expensive product. Kanboard is almost feature-compatible with Trello, and of course, in true open-source fashion, it’s free of charge. This article shows you how to install it on an Ubuntu machine.

Read more here…
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Chapter 7: Docker Compose

Chapter 7: Docker Compose

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The Next Generation Linux Operating System

The Next Generation Linux Operating System

Vanilla OS is an emerging operating system designed to provide users with a simple, clean, and efficient computing experience.
In this article, we will explore what Vanilla OS is, its standout features, its release information, and a step-by-step guide on how to install it.
Whether you are a tech enthusiast looking for a new OS to try or someone seeking a user-friendly alternative to your current operating system, Vanilla OS has something to offer.
About Vanilla OS
Vanilla OS is a lightweight and minimalist operating system based on Linux that aims to deliver a streamlined and uncluttered user experience, making it ideal for users who prefer simplicity and efficiency over feature bloat.
The core philosophy behind Vanilla OS is to provide a stable, secure, and easy-to-use environment that allows users to focus on their tasks without unnecessary distractions.
Key Features of Vanilla OS
Vanilla OS boasts a range of features that set it apart from other Linux distributions:

It features a clean desktop with only the essential icons and a taskbar that provides quick access to frequently used applications and system settings.
It uses fewer system resources compared to other operating systems, resulting in faster boot times and smoother overall performance.
It includes regular security updates and patches to ensure that your system remains protected against vulnerabilities.
It comes with a minimalist default setup that allows users to easily install additional software, change themes, and modify system settings to suit their preferences.
It supports a wide range of software applications such as productivity tools, multimedia applications, or development environments.
It has a vibrant and active community of users and developers, which ensures that the OS continues to improve over time, with new features and bug fixes.
It does not include any telemetry or data collection features, ensuring that your personal information remains private.

Vanilla OS Release Information
Vanilla OS is relatively new to the operating system scene, but it has quickly gained traction due to its unique approach and compelling features.
The development team behind Vanilla OS follows a transparent release cycle, providing regular updates and improvements based on user feedback.
Version History:

Version 1.0: The initial release of Vanilla OS introduced the core features and set the foundation for future development.
Version 1.1: This update brought several bug fixes, performance enhancements, and improved hardware compatibility.
Version 2.0: A major release that introduced new features, including a revamped user interface, better customization options, and enhanced security measures.

How to Install Vanilla OS
In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you get started with Vanilla OS on your computer.
System Requirements:
Before you begin the installation process, ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for Vanilla OS:

A flash drive with at least 8GB of capacity.
A 64-bit (amd64) [x64] processor.
A drive with at least 50GB of storage space (required for ABRoot A/B partitions).
At least 4GB of RAM (8GB recommended).
30 minutes to an hour of your time.
Good to have Secure Boot enabled.

Download Vanilla OS
Visit the official Vanilla OS website and navigate to the download section and download the latest version of the Vanilla OS ISO image to your computer.
Alternatively, you can use the following wget command to download directly in the terminal.
wget https://download.vanillaos.org/latest.zip

Creating a Bootable USB Stick
Next, insert your USB stick into your computer (at least 8 GB) and create a bootable image using the USB creation tool or use a tool like the dd command as shown.
sudo dd if=VanillaOS-2-stable.20240728.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress && sync

Replace /dev/sdX with the location of your USB drive (e.g., /dev/sdb). If you do not know, you can use the lsblk command to find all block devices (drives and partitions) connected to your system.
Restart the computer and enter the BIOS/UEFI settings by pressing a key like F2, F12, DEL, or ESC during the boot process (the specific key depends on your computer’s manufacturer).
In the BIOS/UEFI settings, change the boot order to prioritize the USB drive. Save the changes and exit the BIOS/UEFI settings. Your computer will now boot from the USB drive.
Instaling Vanilla OS
When your device has successfully booted from the USB stick, you should see a welcome screen inviting you to try or install Vanilla OS.
Vanilla OS Grub Menu
Choose your preferred language and click “Continue“.
Choose Language
Select your keyboard layout and time zone, then click “Continue“.
Choose Keyboard Layout
Choose Timezone
Next, choose the installation type. For most users, the default option (“Use Entire Disk“) is recommended, which will erase all data on the selected disk and install Vanilla OS.
Choose Install Disk
Confirm Install Disk
Confirm Install Language
Installing Vanilla OS
Create your user account and review the changes to your system, then click “Install Vanilla OS” to start the installation. Once the installer finishes, reboot your computer and remove the USB stick. Vanilla OS will be ready for you.
Start Vanilla OS
Vanilla OS Login
Finalizing Vanilla OS
Getting Started with Vanilla OS
After successfully installing Vanilla OS, you might wonder what to do next. Here are some tips to help you get started and make the most out of your new operating system.
Explore the User Interface
Take some time to familiarize yourself with the Vanilla OS user interface. The desktop environment is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate.
Here are some key elements to explore:

Taskbar: Located at the bottom of the screen, the taskbar provides quick access to your favorite applications and system settings.
Application Menu: Click on the menu icon (usually located in the bottom left corner) to access all installed applications.
System Settings: Open the system settings to customize various aspects of your OS, including appearance, network settings, and more.

Vanilla OS Desktop
Install Additional Software
Vanilla OS comes with a minimal set of pre-installed applications. To enhance your productivity and entertainment options, you can install additional software from the official repositories or third-party sources.

Software Center: Open the Software Center from the application menu and browse through the available applications and click “Install” to add them to your system.
Terminal: For advanced users, the terminal provides a powerful way to install software using command-line tools like apt package manager.

Vanilla OS Software Center
Vanilla OS is a promising new operating system that combines simplicity, performance, and security in a user-friendly package. With its minimalist design, lightweight nature, and strong focus on privacy, it offers a refreshing alternative to traditional operating systems.
By following the step-by-step installation guide, you can easily set up Vanilla OS on your computer and start exploring its features. With its active community and regular updates, Vanilla OS is poised to become a popular choice among users seeking a clean and efficient computing experience.
Give Vanilla OS a try, and you might find it to be your next favorite operating system.

16 Best Free and Open Source Linux PDF Viewers

16 Best Free and Open Source Linux PDF Viewers

Over the years PDF has become an extremely important file format. If you want to create documents that can be viewed under all major operating systems, PDF is the ticket, as it maintains the overall look and feel of documents regardless of what platform they are viewed under. Businesses and consumers increase productivity using PDF documents and forms.
Besides offering universal compatibility, the format is reliable, ease of creation, security, and version independence. The format also supports annotations, and a very practical format.
Since late 2014, Adobe’s proprietary but useful Adobe Acrobat Reader has been no longer supported under Linux. Adobe’s website still only lists Windows, Mac OS and Android as supported operating systems. This is one of the many dangers of closed source software – at the whim of corporate bosses, development and distribution can simply disappear overnight, possibly never coming back.

Fortunately, there are some excellent open source alternatives to Adobe Acrobat Reader. The software featured in this article offer more than displaying PDF files; many are versatile document viewers.
Here’s our verdict on the PDF viewers captured in a legendary LinuxLinks-style ratings chart.. We only include free and open source software here.

Let’s explore the 16 PDF viewers. For each application we have compiled its own portal page, a full description with an in-depth analysis of its features, an image of the software in action, together with links to relevant resources.

PDF Viewers

PDF.jsJavaScript library that renders Portable Document Format files

OkularUniversal document viewer supporting advanced document features

MuPDFLightweight PDF and XPS viewer

KOReaderDocument viewer for a wide variety of file formats including PDF

SioyekDesigned for viewing research papers and technical books

PapersFork of Evince

EvinceMulti-page document viewer

AtrilA simple multi-page document viewer for MATE

ZathuraHighly customizable and functional document viewer

qpdfviewTabbed document viewer. It uses Poppler for PDF support

XreaderSimple multi-page document viewer

XpdfPDF viewer and toolkit

PreviewQtPreview all kinds of files

llppFast and featureful PDF, EPUB, XPS and CBZ viewer

JFBViewPDF and image viewer for the Linux framebuffer

NightPDFDark mode PDF reader

This article has been revamped in line with our recent announcement.

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Linux Scoop — MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition Customization


Hey there, fellow Linux enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition experience to the next level? 🚀In this journey, we’re diving deep into the world of customization, leveraging the fantastic features of MX Linux 23 Xfce, including the Xfce desktop 4.18 series. It’s time to make your Linux environment uniquely yours. 🖥️But here’s the real kicker: this isn’t just for MX Linux 23 Xfce users. We’ve got you covered, no matter if you’re using Debian-based distributions, Fedora-based distributions, or Arch-based distributions. You can get our comprehensive documentation here: Download Documentation. 🔗Here’s what we have in store for you:🎥 Video Final Result: Witness the stunning transformation in our final result video: Video Final Result.📹 Video Tutorial Step-by-step: Follow along step by step and master the art of MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition customization: Video Tutorial Step-by-step.🛠️ Video Additional Setups: Take your customization to the next level with additional setup tips and tricks: Video Additional Setups.💾 Download Resource Files: Grab essential resource files to enhance your MX Linux 23 Xfce experience: Download Resource Files.🖼️ Download Default Wallpaper: Add a touch of personalization with our default wallpaper: Download Default Wallpaper.Get ready to make your MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition desktop truly your own. Let’s unleash the full potential of your Linux journey together! 🔓