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How to Install Jenkins on RHEL 9/8 (Simple Guide)

How to Install Jenkins on RHEL 9/8 (Simple Guide)

In this article, we will show you how to install Jenkins on RHEL 9/8. We will also go through why there is a need of an additional tool for delivering a project. But before we start with all gun blazing and put this tool to work, we should know what it is exactly and why it is needed.Jenkins is an open-source software for continuous software development. It is based on Java and it is the only tool which can be used in every part of software development cycle.What is Jenkins ?Jenkins is a CI/CD tool. Here CI means continuous integration and CD means continuous delivery. Jenkins is also considered as automation tool or server, It helps to automate software development which are related to building, testing and deploying. It is a server-based tool which runs on servlet containers like Apache Tomcat.Why do we need Jenkins tool?As maximum organization is now having agile process. Agile methodology is a practice that promotes both continuous integration and continuous delivery, it has scrum process that can be of 2/3 weeks, which is also known as scripts. In every sprint developers and tester has to do continuous development and testing with continuous integration and continuous delivery. In every sprint client get the privilege to check that the software/application is building according to the given requirement. They also have the leverage to change/update the requirement according to their business needs. This is one of the main reasons why Jenkins is one of the most popular tools in the market nowadays.PrerequisitesMinimal RHEL 9/8User with sudo rightsStable Internet ConnectionActive subscriptionJenkins LabHost Name: Jenkins.linuxtechi.comIP Address: : EnabledFirewall: Runningwithout any delay, let’s login to your RHEL system and follow the following steps.1) Update hosts file and apply updatesAdd the following hostname entry in /etc/hosts file, run below echo command:$ echo “   jenkins.linuxtechi.com” | sudo tee -a /etc/hostsInstall all the available updates using the beneath dnf command,$ sudo dnf update -yOnce all the updates are installed successfully then reboot your system once.$ sudo reboot2) Add Jenkins Package RepositoryRun the following command to add Jenkins package repository for RHEL 9/8 system.$ sudo dnf install wget -y
$ sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo https://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.repoNext, import GPG key for Jenkins packages$ sudo rpm –import https://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.io-2023.key3) Install Jenkins on RHEL 9/8 with dnf commandJava is one of the perquisites for Jenkins, so run below dnf command to install java.$ sudo  dnf install -y fontconfig java-17-openjdkVerify the java version using below command:$ java –versionNow install Jenkins using beneath dnf command,$ sudo dnf install jenkins -y4) Start and Enable Jenkins Service via systemctlRun following systemctl command to start and enable Jenkins service$ sudo systemctl start jenkins
$ sudo systemctl enable jenkinsVerify Jenkins service status by running following command,$ sudo systemctl status jenkinsAbove output shows that Jenkins service is active and running.5) Configure Firewall Rules for Jenkins  Allow 8080 tcp port in OS firewall for Jenkins, run following firewall-cmd commands,$ sudo firewall-cmd –permanent –add-port=8080/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd –reload6) Setting Up Jenkins with Web PortalIn this step, we will setup the Jenkins via its web portal, access its portal from the browser and type the URL:http://<Server-IP>:8080The browser displays the unlock Jenkins page. It will ask to enter temporary password. To retrieve this password run following cat command from the terminal,$ sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
$Copy and paste the password into the password field and then click on continue.Jenkins will now ask to install plugins. There will be two options ‘Install using suggested plugins‘ or ‘Select plugins to install‘. It is recommended to go with ‘Install using suggested plugins ‘. So Click on the first optionOnce all the suggested plugins are installed then setup wizard will prompt us to create admin user.Click on ‘Save and Continue‘Click on ‘Save and Finish’Click on ‘Start Using Jenkins’, it will take us to Jenkins dashboard:Above screen confirms that Jenkins has been installed successfully. That’s all from this article, feel free to post your queries and feedback in below comments section.

Rilasciata Ubuntu*Pack 24.04 – Aggregatore GNU/Linux e dintorni

Ubuntu*Pack 24.04

Ubuntu*Pack è un remix di Ubuntu creato da UALinux, un partner ufficiale di Canonical, in Ucraina. Il progetto include diverse edizioni (tra cui Desktop, Education, Game, Server e Rescue) e include applicazioni, driver e codec multimediali aggiuntivi. L’ultima versione del progetto, la versione Ubuntu*Pack 24.04, è disponibile in 10 edizioni, offrendo una varietà di stili e ambienti desktop.

Ecco alcune delle versioni disponibili:

Ubuntu (da Canonical): La versione standard di Ubuntu

GNOME: La versione di Ubuntu con interfaccia GNOME

LikeWin: Un’interfaccia che imita lo stile di Windows 10

Budgie: Un’interfaccia moderna e leggera

Cinnamon: Un’interfaccia tradizionale e user-friendly

KDE (Kubuntu): Un’interfaccia altamente personalizzabile

LXQt (Lubuntu): Un’interfaccia leggera per sistemi con risorse limitate

MATE: Un’interfaccia classica e stabile

Unity: L’interfaccia storica di Ubuntu

Xfce (Xubuntu): Un’interfaccia leggera e veloce

Inoltre, esistono versioni specializzate come:

Ubuntu ServerPack: Una versione orientata ai server, basata su Ubuntu Server 20.04, che include un set completo di software per server.

Ubuntu GamePack: Una versione ottimizzata per il gaming, che supporta oltre 90.000 giochi, inclusi quelli per Windows, DOS e varie console basata su Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Questa distribuzione è pensata per offrire una vasta gamma di opzioni, rendendola adatta sia per utenti domestici che per professionisti.

Le principali differenze tra Ubuntu*Pack e la versione originale di Ubuntu sono gli aggiornamenti già implementati, la messa a punto aggiuntiva del sistema, una base di driver ampliata per supportare varie apparecchiature, il pieno supporto per la riproduzione/visualizzazione/ascolto di file multimediali di vari formati e programmi aggiuntivi non presenti nella versione originale, nonché la possibilità di eseguire programmi Windows.

Un breve elenco generale delle modifiche in Ubuntu*Pack 24.04:

La distribuzione si basa sulla base di codice del sistema operativo Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, che ne consente la manutenzione e l’utilizzo a lungo termine

Il sistema contiene tutti gli aggiornamenti fino a luglio 2024

Tutti i sistemi hanno installato l’installer di Ubiquity (che in precedenza era il principale nella versione 22.04)

Il browser Firefox e il client di posta elettronica Thunderbird sono scollegati da Snap

È incluso il supporto per l’esecuzione di programmi per la piattaforma Windows

È installato il supporto completo per le lingue ucraino, russo e inglese. Altre lingue richiedono il download aggiuntivo di pacchetti da Internet

Aggiunti ulteriori driver per le stampanti

Aggiunto il supporto per chiavi hardware e smart card: Almaz-1K, Crystal-1, Author, Efit e altri

Aggiunta la possibilità di accedere al sistema utilizzando un’unità USB

È installato anche il pieno supporto per contenuti multimediali (audio-video) di vari formati ed è installato un lettore VLC universale

Aggiunti programmi per le comunicazioni: Signal, Viber e Zoom; per lavorare con la grafica: Gimp, Inkscape, XnView; varie utility: Veracrypt, R-Linux, Peazip, Backintime

e molti, molti altri programmi e utilità varie e altre modifiche.

Ulteriori informazioni sono fornite nell’annuncio di rilascio del progetto.

Le varie versioni di Ubuntu*Pack 24.04 sono disponibili per il download dalle pagine SuorceForge del progetto. La dimensione delle immagini ISO di installazione consente di masterizzarle sia su unità USB che su dischi DVD.

Fonte: https://ualinux.com/en/news/release-of-ubuntu-desktoppack-24-04-distributionFonte: https://distrowatch.com/12204
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Sparky news 2024/05 – SparkyLinux


The 5th monthly Sparky project and donate report of the 2024:– Linux kernel updated up to 6.9.3, 6.6.32-LTS, 6.1.92-LTS & 5.15.160-LTS– Linux kernel 6.8.x end of life (EOL)– Sparky 2024.05 and 2024.05 Special Editions of the testing line released– the Palemoon browser and QMPlay2 packages are my builds (vanilla compilations) now
Sparky 7.4 of the stable line is on the way, stay tuned.
For a while, our Sparky is in the top 20 on the DistroWatch list, and for a few weeks in the top 5 in Top downloads on Linuxiarze. We are very happy, because it means that more and more of you download and use our OS. Thank you for trusting Sparky. We are open to your suggestions that will help us further improve the system.
Many thanks to all of you for supporting our open-source projects. Your donations help keeping them and us alive.
Don’t forget to send a small tip in June too, please.




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The 7 Best Linux Apps To Download

The 7 Best Linux Apps To Download

IntroductionLinux continues to be an underappreciated OS. Despite its large presence in the tech industry and among tech enthusiasts, many ignore Linux in favor of more popular OS’s, such as Windows and MacOS.There’s a reason for Linux’s small(er) fanbase: its learning curve. Sure, some Linux distros promote themselves as beginner-friendly, but for the most part, it’s difficult for those not invested into tech to use Linux. Furthermore, many programs that work on Windows are not compatible with Linux.What programs do work? Today, let’s go over seven of the best Linux apps that are both free and compatible with Linux straight out of the box.1. GIMP (Image Editing)Not all Linux distros come with image editing software. Even if they did, included image editing software is often basic and fails at being anything more than a way to crop certain photos.In comes GIMP. Short for GNU Image Manipulation Program, GIMP is one of the photo editing software programs available on Linux. It is a free, cross-platform image editing program compatible with GNU, Linux, and Windows, along with MacOS. GIMP not only comes with a plethora of tools and customization options, but it also supports third-party plugins.2. A Virtual Private Network (VPN)Some say Linux is immune to the pitfalls of cybersecurity – malware, viruses, DDoS attacks, etc. This isn’t true. Like any other operating system, Linux is vulnerable to all kinds of cyber threats if left unchecked.Fortunately, many security programs are developed to be compatible with Linux, including VPNs. VPNs encrypt data sent from a Linux device, meaning it’s near-impossible for a cybercriminal to steal information from or attack your device through a network connection. Any Linux user should download a VPN app.3. OBS (Streaming and Recording)Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is used by thousands of streamers, teachers, students, and video editors. With OBS, a user can record their screen, capture videos, stream to streaming sites, and vice versa.OBS comes with a load of customization options, such as bitrate, video quality, audio channels, and other quality options. If you need to record your screen – or even stream – OBS is a free option that works with Linux.4. Plex (Media Server)Streaming services have dominated the movie industry for a long time, but not everyone likes streaming. Some prefer owning the shows and movies they watch. The problem is, managing that digital media can be exhausting.Plex aims to solve that problem. Plex allows users to “store” digital media in Plex and, after some tinkering, stream that content to any device from any location. It’s a confusing topic, but there are some nifty guides to help you learn how to use Plex.5. Lightworks (Video Editing)OBS records video, but it can’t edit them. Well, not in any meaningful way – only cropping and trimming. What does Linux have in terms of video editing software?The obvious answer is Lightworks, a freemium video editing software that allows professional editing with simplistic software.6. LibreOfficeMicrosoft has been working on bringing Office over to Linux. But as of now, compatibility is limited and issues can arise. Those looking for a Linux alternative should take a look at LibreOffice.LibreOffice is an open source software suite. It’s easy to write LibreOffice as a mere rip-off, but it’s so much more. Its software is available with most popular versions of Linux and can be used on other OS’s as well. And it’s completely free! 7. VLC Media PlayerSpeaking of open source software, VLC media player is an almost-essential download. Need to play videos on your computer? Do you edit, but not often enough that Lightworks is overkill? VLC is perfect for you.VLC allows users to play most video formats and gives users basic editing options. Nothing much to say here besides VLC is probably the best video player on the Internet, so be sure to grab it.ConclusionDue to the public’s apprehensiveness to adopt Linux, it continues to be a useful, yet niche OS in the tech industry. If you’re new to Linux and are wondering what you need to get started, take a look at this list and try the apps out. Worst case scenario, you end up uninstalling a few of them.Writer’s bio:Jack is an accomplished cybersecurity expert with years of experience under his belt at TechWarn, a trusted digital agency to world-class cybersecurity companies. A passionate digital safety advocate himself, Jack frequently contributes to tech blogs and digital media sharing expert insights on cybersecurity and privacy tools. 

How To Fix pip Install Error: externally-managed-environment

How To Fix pip Install Error: externally-managed-environment

The next Debian/Ubuntu releases will likely no longer allow pip install outside a virtual environment or separate Python installs because of conflicts between pip and the OS package manager. It can still be forced, but that’s strongly not recommended.Software shipped with a Linux distribution can be (quite easily, I might add) broken by installing packages using pip. All the user has to do is install a package (or some of its dependencies) that’s newer and backwards-incompatible with a version that was installed from the Linux distribution official repositories. And this isn’t even about breaking some application—because Python is so widely used nowadays, users can easily break critical distro packages.The breakage can occur for both system-wide pip installations (sudo pip install), as well as user installations (pip install –user), but especially the latter, since trying to recover from this might result in removing (using pip, not the distro package manager) packages installed using the Linux distribution’s package manager.For this reason, the next Debian (Debian 12 Bookworm) and Ubuntu (Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar Lobster) releases will likely adopt PEP668 (PEP = Python Enhancement Proposal), marking the Python base environments as “externally managed”, and no longer allowing regular pip install usage for both user and system installations. This can still be forced though, and obviously, there are alternatives—see below.The change is already live in Debian Testing and Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar Lobster (which will have a beta release on March 30, with the final release expected on April 20). There’s also a proposal to include this in Fedora 38 (which had a beta release today), but this has not landed in Fedora 38 for now.I said “likely adopt” because, even though this change is already present in Debian Testing and Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar Lobster, Stefano Rivera, one of the Debian/Ubuntu Python maintainers, mentioned that “if necessary, we can roll back EXTERNALLY-MANAGED in our python3.11 for bookworm’s release, but I’d like to make this happen…”. [[Edit]] This change has made it into the Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar Lobster release! When trying to install a Python package using pip, users will now see this message: “error: externally-managed-environment” / “This environment is externally managed”.So what are the alternatives to using pip install directly and solve this externally managed environment pip error? Take a look below:1. If possible, try to install the Python application or library module from the Debian/Ubuntu repositories.2. For Python applications that aren’t available in the Debian/Ubuntu repositories (or for which you want to install a newer version), you can use pipx to install them. This sets up an isolated environment and installs the application and its dependencies into it. For example, instead of running:pip install –user some-python-appYou can use:pipx install some-python-app3. For Python library modules that aren’t available in Debian (or for which you want to install a newer version), you can use virtualenv (package called virtualenv on Debian/Ubuntu) / venv (package called python3-venv on Debian/Ubuntu), which creates an isolated environment where you can install Python applications and libraries. For example, instead of running:pip install –user some-python-module-or-app #orpip install –user -r requirements.txtYou can use:python3 -m venv .venv/some-python-module-or-appsource .venv/some-python-module-or-app/bin/activatepython3 -m pip install some-python-module-or-app #orpython3 -m pip install -r requirements.txtIf needed, the isolated environment can also have access to system Python modules, with the –system-site-packages flag.4. Install your own Python (from source) in e.g. /usr/local.I don’t care, I want to use pip install like beforeLike I mentioned above, if you really need it, you can force install Python packages using pip outside a virtual environment, just like before, but do this at your own risk! You can force install packages using pip by passing the –break-system-packages option to pip, exporting PIP_BREAK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES=1, or adding the following to the ~/.config/pip/pip.conf or /etc/pip.conf file:[global]break-system-packages = true

Installing Nagios on Centos 7 part 3 (Nagios configuration)

The Linux Juggernaut

IntroductionIn our previous two articles we’ve explained how to install Nagios core on a Centos 7 system and how to install Nagios plugin and the Nagios Remote Plugin Executor. In this article we will explain how to configure Nagios so that we can have the web interface up and running. Note that this needs to be done only once on the Nagios server. You may make amendments as deemed necessary.Update the Nagios main configuration file:The nagios.cfg file is the heart of your nagios core configuration. The location of this file may vary depending on where you installed nagios. The general location of the file is /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg This file contains information about the location of other configuration files and template files which nagios will read in order to determine which assets are to be monitored and which services on those assets are to be monitored. We can define the location to these configuration files using the cfg_file directive. By default Nagios already has most of the configuration files set up and ready to use as shown below:[ssuri@linuxnix:/usr/local/nagios/etc] $ grep -E ‘^cfg_file’ nagios.cfg
cfg_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/localhost.cfgWe will talk about the purpose of these configuration files in greater detail in later articles. You could also define a directory location and tell nagios to read all files ending with .cfg extension within that directory.Add an email address in contacts.cfg fileNow we will specify an email address to which nagios can forward alert related emails. This information is defined in the /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg file by default under the email directive.[ssuri@linuxnix:~] $ grep email /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg
email sahil.suri@example.com ; <<***** CHANGE THIS TO YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ******We will talk about configuring email addresses for multiple users and groups in detail in a separate article.Add configuration for check_nrpe command in commands.cfg fileThe NRPE plugin that we installed earlier provides a plugin or command named check_nrpe. We use this command on the nagios core server to run active checks on remote client machines. But in order to use this command it must be defined in the commands.cfg file located at the path /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/. Given below is the required command definition that needs to be added.define command{
command_name check_nrpe
command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$
}Apache configurationUse the htpasswd command to create an admin user, called “nagiosadmin”, that will be used to access the Nagios web interface.htpasswd -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadminIf you create a user that is not named “nagiosadmin”, you will need to edit /usr/local/nagios/etc/cgi.cfg and change all the “nagiosadmin” references to the user you created.Now we need to edit the nagios configuration file for apache located at /etc/httpd/conf.d/nagios.conf.In this file comment the following lines:Order allow,deny
Allow from allReplace these lines with the following line:Require all grantedIf you are working with an older version of apache then add the following lines instead of the above:Order allow,deny
Allow from all

With this our apache configuration is complete. Now we need to restart apache with the following command.systemctl restart httpdOur nagios configuration is also complete with this now. We need to restart the nagios service in order to allow our changes to take effect.systemctl restart nagios.serviceEnsure that nagios is running[ssuri@linuxnix:~] $ sudo systemctl status nagios
* nagios.service – Nagios Core 4.4.2
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nagios.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2018-10-13 17:32:06 UTC; 1 weeks 1 days ago
Docs: https://www.nagios.org/documentation
Process: 15354 ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/rm -f /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.cmd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 15352 ExecStop=/usr/bin/kill -s TERM ${MAINPID} (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 3225 ExecReload=/usr/bin/kill -s HUP ${MAINPID} (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 15359 ExecStart=/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 15357 ExecStartPre=/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 15361 (nagios)
Tasks: 6
Memory: 4.0M
CGroup: /system.slice/nagios.service
|-15361 /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
|-15362 /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios –worker /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.qh
|-15363 /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios –worker /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.qh
|-15364 /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios –worker /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.qh
|-15365 /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios –worker /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.qh
`-15366 /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

Oct 22 04:32:06 linuxnix.example.org nagios[15361]: Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
Oct 22 05:32:06 linuxnix.example.org nagios[15361]: Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
Oct 22 06:32:06 linuxnix.example.org nagios[15361]: Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
Oct 22 07:32:06 linuxnix.example.org nagios[15361]: Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
Oct 22 08:32:06 linuxnix.example.org nagios[15361]: Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
Oct 22 09:32:06 linuxnix.example.org nagios[15361]: Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
Oct 22 10:32:06 linuxnix.example.org nagios[15361]: Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
Oct 22 11:32:06 linuxnix.example.org nagios[15361]: Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
Oct 22 12:32:06 linuxnix.example.org nagios[15361]: Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
Oct 22 13:32:06 linuxnix.example.org nagios[15361]: Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
[ssuri@linuxnix:~] $Access the web interfaceOnce we’ve ensured that nagios is running on the server we can access the nagios web interface by pointing our browser to the URL http://<nagios_server_ip>/nagios. Because we configured Apache to use htpasswd, we need to enter the login credentials that we created earlier. We used “nagiosadmin” as the username. ConclusionThis completes the nagios server setup. In our next article we will demonstrate how to configure a nagios client machine to be monitored by our nagios core server. Post Views: 1,933The following two tabs change content below.He started his career in IT in 2011 as a system administrator. He has since worked with HP-UX, Solaris and Linux operating systems along with exposure to high availability and virtualization solutions. He has a keen interest in shell, Python and Perl scripting and is learning the ropes on AWS cloud, DevOps tools, and methodologies. He enjoys sharing the knowledge he’s gained over the years with the rest of the community.

Advanced Programming: What is Headless Commerce and What Are Some Pros and Cons

Advanced Programming: What is Headless Commerce and What Are Some Pros and Cons

The digital era has certainly brought about some interesting changes when it comes to how people use and perceive the internet and software in today’s world.
Many people today want to create websites and applications that need to be programmed to the highest degree, which is the case of creating a website would be what is known as headless technology or headless commerce.
There are many new ones out there that boast headless programming but the question remains of whether or not this is worth it.
This article aims to shed light on what the programming style of headless entails and outline some of the pros and cons of going the headless route.
Headless 101
When it comes to creating a website, traditional sites have what is known as a front end and a back end. Now, the front end and the back end are typically merged into one and cannot be separated – this is the traditional norm of programming a site.
The front end is the part that potential website visitors engage with, so it’s what they see and the back end is everything they do not see i.e., the server, the background functions and the structure of the website. 
In a world that is headless, the programmer essentially severed this connection, creating parallel running front and back ends.
This is a huge change because suddenly the two areas that were thought to come as one are suddenly separate. This opens a wide range of opportunities for website owners.
The Pros of Going Headless
The opportunities that website owners have with a headless site are limitless.
The problem that many people had with traditional and rigid front and back ends was that every time you wanted to make a change to the back end, for example, adding a new calendar product section, you first had to do this on the back end, which would stall the front end and create a slow process.
Now, website owners can make as many changes to the back end as they want, without anyone seeing it in the front end and then when they’re ready, launch all these changes at once, without ever interfering with the site that consumers are engaged with. 
It also creates a parallel universe in which different people within the website team can work independently of each other. If the marketing team wants to add new copy to a product, they can do so directly on the front end, without needing the help of back end developers.
Much the same, if back end developers want to relaunch the site or fix problematic bugs, they can do so without ever impeding the function of the site.
Furthermore, website owners have far more control and flexibility around how they want their website to function, as they can create even the most complex systems as they are no longer limited to a server or template. 
The Cons of Going Headless
One of the major drawbacks to choosing the headless route is the fact that it requires a large investment for an eCommerce site. For anything with such impeccable technological capabilities, you need to have the investment for it.
Many development agencies often only recommend this option to companies who earn over a certain revenue mark or have an extremely busy website, such as Nike or Adidas. 
Another con of going headless is the fact that you need an entire team to do this. Headless is a very technically advanced avenue, in which you need to know exactly what you’re doing.
Unless you’re a tech guru, you will have to hire an array of software and website developers who can help you with the creation of your headless site, which not only costs a heft agency retainer but also takes a considerable amount of time. 
Going headless or not is completely up the business, certain great benefits come with it but there are also some serious drawbacks too. At the end of the day, it is up to the website owner to decide.
TREND OCEANS is an independent Information Technology web portal. Our belief is to make every individual aware of Linux, Open-Source, and Coding that help you learn and sharpen your tech skill effectively with our high-quality daily content.

openSUSE’s Aeon RC3 Released With Full Disk Encryption By Default

openSUSE's Aeon RC3 Released With Full Disk Encryption By Default

OpenSUSE’s Aeon is up to its third release candidate as what was formerly known as MicroOS Desktop GNOME for a container-based, immutable desktop operating system. With the Aeon RC3 release, full disk encryption is enabled by default as an exciting development.
The openSUSE Aeon project has been aiming for comprehensive full disk encryption support that is also able to take advantage of the Trusted Platform Module 2.0 (TPM2) capabilities of modern systems. With today’s RC3 version that milestone has been achieved. OpenSUSE Aeon RC3 is making use of Full Disk Encryption by default and is automatically setup during installation. The default configuration is using a measured boot process with verification of the bootloader, initrd, and kernel prior to carrying out decryption of data. There is a fallback mode as well for passphrase-based decryption. More details on this full disk encryption support by default with openSUSE Aeon can be found via the RC3 release notes. Further information on this encryption support in Aeon can be found via the openSUSE Wiki with the encryption guide.
Those learning about Aeon for the first time can learn more about this immutable OS effort in general via the project site.
It’s wonderful seeing this materialize and hopefully many other Linux distributions will follow suit. Especially for Linux laptops used in production environments, full disk encryption is highly recommended but even for desktops and workstations can be quite practical too and the performance costs tend to be rather small with modern platforms.

Kernel 6.10 Release, LibreChat, Raspberry Pi for Kids, Learning Commands and More

Kernel 6.10 Release, LibreChat, Raspberry Pi for Kids, Learning Commands and More

What is the right time to introduce children to computers? I have been pondering this for the past few months. And earlier this month, I finally decided to set up a dedicated Raspberry Pi-based computer for my three year old daughter. Here’s what I did and how it is going so far.How I Set Up Raspberry Pi for My 3 Year Old KidYou are never too young to learn💬 Let’s see what else you get in this editionA new kernel releaseTaking a look at LibreChatSolus starting its de-snapping processUbuntu 24.04 LTS finally fixing an annoying issue.And other Linux news, videos and, of course, memes!🛒 Don’t miss this ebook dealHumble Tech Book Bundle: Linux for Seasoned Admins by O’ReillyGet 15 books from O’Reilly on a range of topics, including DevOps, containerization, version control with Git & more! Your purchase helps Code for America.🦸‍♂️Not related to Linux, but if you like the Amazon Prime Series, The Boys, you might want to read the comic book it is based on. The entire comic book is available in PDF and CBZ format on Humble Bundle. The deal ends in a few hours today. Check it out here.📰 Linux newsLinux kernel 6.10 has emerged with all kinds of refinements.Firefox 128 release has arrived with some neat improvements.Arm has introduced a new open-source upscaler for smartphones.The developers of Solus have started the process of removing Snaps.Zed, the code editor from the creators of Atom, has debuted on Linux.Ubuntu 23.10 has reached end of life, upgrade before you have issues.Proton recently introduced a new secure password sharing feature for Pass.Ubuntu 24.04 LTS has finally addressed the annoying issue with package installation.Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Can Now Do What It Should Have Always DoneUbuntu 24.04 LTS is no longer disappointing after this fix!🧠 What we’re thinking aboutApple has surprisingly reconsidered their stance on approving an open-source emulator app for iOS. Are they worried about something? 🤔Apple Reconsiders its Approval of Open-Source Emulator App for iOSThank you, Apple, more open-source options for the users!🧮 Linux Tips, Tutorials and MoreA series comprising of 10 chapters written with hands-on approach to help you start your Linux command line journey.Linux Command Line Introduction [Free Course]Want to know the basics of the Linux command line? Here’s a tutorial series with a hands-on approach.LibreChat can be your one-stop app for accessing an array of AI models.What is LibreChat AI and How to install it on Linux?An open source project that lets you interact with various AI models from one unified interface. Here’s how I set it up on my Linux system.📹 Video tutorialComplete beginner’s guide to Nano editor✨ Project highlightsThe world of programming is ever-evolving, here are some open-source programming languages that you may have missed:5 New Open Source Programming Languages That You Might Have Missed!You never know, one of these programming languages can be the next big thing!For those who like listening to podcasts, this one for Android is a good one.This Open-Source Android Podcast App is What You Need in 2024A neat podcast manager app.🧩 New quizHow’s your networking game on Linux?The Networking Command CrosswordDo you know how to manage your network using commands? Test your expertise by solving the crossword.💡 Quick handy tipIn KDE Plasma, the *klipboard* (hah) can actually help you open the contents based on the MIME type. First, open the clipboard by clicking on the clipboard icon in the panel.Now, click on the Action button located next to the clipboard item and select a suitable app. In the screenshot below, I have a URL copied and can select apps, that can handle HTML document.Similarly, images can be opened using any of the apps installed (like Gwenview), that can handle image files.🤣 Meme of the weekOccasionally, it can be a handful. But, never lose hope newbies!🗓️ Tech TriviaThe SysAdmin Day this year will be on 26th July. For the uninitiated, the last Friday of July is celebrated as SysAdmin Appreciation Day. Organize an even at your workplace perhaps?🧑‍🤝‍🧑 FOSSverse cornerFOSSer Daniel recently shared a progress update on their Linux from Scratch project.Progress Update On My Linux From Scratch ProjectAfter several attempts and learning, I am ready to start chapter 8!!! This is a long list of over 50 tar packages to unzip and ”./configure && make && make install, no big deal!! Next chapter I can prepare for booting!!!An interesting conversation has been brought up by Paul, maybe you can contribute?What job ? For many this is historical for other perhaps its tomorrowThis is inspired as a question having read another entry by a fellow member If you had your time again, or if you are just starting, or thinking of a change Where would you like to work? For whom? Doing what? How much do you think you should be paid, local currency accepted. Job title ? On what types of system and running what ? Yes you can come out of retirement, by choice. No imagination, can be a historical event or job you did and for who ?❤️ With loveShare it with your Linux-using friends and encourage them to subscribe (hint: it’s here).Share the articles in Linux Subreddits and community forums.Follow us on Google News and stay updated in your News feed.Opt for It’s FOSS Plus membership and support us 🙏Enjoy using Linux 😄

rawhide – find files using pretty C expressions

rawhide - find files using pretty C expressions

rawhide (rh) lets you search for files on the command line using expressions and user-defined functions in a mini-language inspired by C.
It’s like find, but more fun to use. Search criteria can be very readable and self-explanatory and/or very concise and typeable, and you can create your own lexicon of search terms. The output can include lots of detail, like ls.
An rh expression is a C-like expression that can call user-defined functions. These expressions can contain all of C’s conditional, logical, relational, equality, arithmetic, and bit operators.

There is a default standard library of functions to start with. It provides a high-level interface to the built-in symbols mentioned above, and makes rh easy to use.
This is free and open source software.
Website: github.com/raforg/rawhideSupport:Developer: Ken StaufferLicense: GNU General Public License v3.0

rawhide is written in C. Learn C with our recommended free books and free tutorials.
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