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The great non-free-firmware transition | Kali Linux Blog


TL;DR: Dear Kali user, when you have a moment, check your /etc/apt/sources.list, and add non-free-firmware if ever it’s missing.Programmatically speaking:kali@kali:~$ sudo sed -i ‘s/non-free$/non-free non-free-firmware/’ /etc/apt/sources.list
Long story now.As you might know already, Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution. As such, it inherits a number of things from Debian, and in particular, the structure of the package repository.For anyone familiar with Kali, you already know that the package repository is split into different archive areas (also called components). Historically, there’s always been 3 components: main, contrib and non-free. However, this changed last year, when Debian introduced a new component called non-free-firmware.Kali Linux followed suite, and introduced the non-free-firmware component back in version 2023.1. However, so far it’s been empty, and firmware were still part of the non-free component. This changed last week: firmware are now located in the non-free-firmware component. In practice, it means that non-free-firmware must be enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list, otherwise firmware would not get updated when you run your favorite command apt update && apt full-upgrade.For anyone who installed Kali post 2023.1, non-free-firmware is already enabled in your sources.list. But it does not hurt to check, so here’s how it should look like:kali@kali:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
If ever non-free-firmware is missing, please edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list to add it. Or, just do it with this one-liner:kali@kali:~$ sudo sed -i ‘s/non-free$/non-free non-free-firmware/’ /etc/apt/sources.list
Then complete the job with the traditional sudo apt update. No error? You’re done.Thanks for your attention!

Quickly Learn To Use The CAT Command In Linux

Quickly Learn To Use The CAT Command In Linux

Are you ready to unleash the power of the Linux command line? If you’re a Linux user, you’re probably already familiar with the cat command in linux. But did you know that it’s not just a simple tool for displaying file contents? It’s a command that can concatenate, create, and even append content to existing files! Yep, you heard it right. cat can do all of that, and more! So, whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or a newbie, understanding the full potential of the cat command can take your file management game to the next level. In this article, I’ll show you how to use cat like a pro with practical examples and tips. Let’s get started!.elementor-widget-spacer,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer{width:var(–container-widget-width,var(–spacer-size));–align-self:var(–container-widget-align-self,initial);–flex-shrink:0;}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container{height:100%;width:100%;}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer{height:100%;}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer>.elementor-spacer-inner,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer>.elementor-spacer-inner{height:var(–container-widget-height,var(–spacer-size));}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer.elementor-widget-empty,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer.elementor-widget-empty{position:relative;min-height:22px;min-width:22px;}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer.elementor-widget-empty .elementor-widget-empty-icon,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer.elementor-widget-empty .elementor-widget-empty-icon{position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;margin:auto;padding:0;width:22px;height:22px;}/*]]]]>*/]]>One practical way to use the cat command in Linux is to display the contents of a file on the terminal. For example, if you want to view the contents of a text file named example.txt you can simply type cat example.txt in the terminal and hit enter. This will display the entire content of the file on the terminal screen. Did you know you can even combine, aka concatenate, more than 2 files together?To concatenate two or more files into one, use the cat command followed by the names of the files you want to concatenate, separated by a space. For example, to concatenate two text files named file1.txt and file2.txt into a new file named combined.txt, type the following command and hit enter:

cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt

Something to keep in mind, is that when you concatenate files together. The files you list will be added to the output file in that order. So, make sure you order your files the way you want them or you will have to start all over again!Yep, that’s right! Just like the touch command, you can easily create empty files. Just like the touch command, just type in the command and the file name you want. One thing is a little different, though. You must use >.
Similar to concatenating files, but this time you use 2 >> to tell cat you want it to be appended. Otherwise, it will be overwritten!

cat newstuff.txt >> existingfile.txt

Alternatively, you can write in-line what you want to append using quotes. Like so…

cat “new cool stuff to add!” >> existingfile.txt

Also keep in mind, that when you append using cat, it will append to a new line.Ever wanted to see the contents of a file BUT, have the lines numbered? cat can do that too!Suppose we have a file named example.txt with the following content:

This is the first line.
This is the second line.
This is the third line.

To display the contents of this file with line numbers, we can use the cat command with the -n option as follows:

1 This is the first line.
2 This is the second line.
3 This is the third line.

Considering we have the cp command… not sure why you would use cat to copy files. BUT, this is Linux! There is more than one way to achieve the same results. Similar to appending content to an existing file, we could specify the source file and add a new destination file. Like so…

cat source.txt > destination.txt

Pretty straight forward, right?!Concluding The CAT Command In Linux
To wrap things up, the cat command is like a Swiss Army knife for Linux users. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that can perform a range of tasks, from displaying the contents of a file to copying files and redirecting output to other commands using pipes. Think of it as the superhero of the command line world, always ready to save the day and simplify your work. With its user-friendly syntax and numerous options, the cat command is an essential tool for any Linux user, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out. So, next time you need to view a file’s contents, concatenate files, or copy text from one file to another, remember to reach for the trusty cat command and let it do its magic.




In this article we are going to discuss on rm command in Linux. rm is a Linux terminal command used to delete/remove files & directories. It’s completely free application comes as in build application with Linux OS Installation. The main author of this application is Paul Rubin, Richard M. Stallman, Jim Meyering and David MacKenzie and released under GNU GPLv3 license.

Now let’s have a look at some most important rm command in Linux with examples
Delete a File
Delete a file using rm command in Linux.
elinuxbook@ubuntu:~$ rm file.txt # Delete a File

Delete a File with output
If you wish to get output after delete a file then use rm command with argument -v. Refer the command below.

elinuxbook@ubuntu:~$ rm -v file.txt # Delete a file with Output
removed ‘file.txt’

Prompt before Delete a File/Directory
rm command with argument -i will prompt you a warning message before delete a file. You will get the warning message before deleting each file if you are deleting multiple files.

elinuxbook@ubuntu:~$ rm -i file.txt # Prompt a Warning Message before delete the file
rm: remove regular empty file ‘file.txt’? y

Delete a Empty Directory
To delete a empty directory use rm command in Linux with argument -d. Refer the command below.

elinuxbook@ubuntu:~$ rm -d data/ # Delete Empty Directory

Delete a Directory with it’s Content

To delete a directory with all it’s content recursively use rm command with argument -R. Use the argument -f with the argument -R to delete the directory forcefully.

elinuxbook@ubuntu:~$ rm -Rf data/ # Delete a Directory with content

You can also use the below command to delete a directory with it’s content recursively.
elinuxbook@ubuntu:~$ rm -rf data/

Also Read :

Delete a file Forcefully
To delete a file forcefully use rm command in Linux with argument -f. Refer the command below.

elinuxbook@ubuntu:~$ rm -f file.txt # Delete a File Forcefully

Prompt before delete more then 3 files
rm command with argument -I will Prompt a warning message once before delete more the three files.
elinuxbook@ubuntu:~/data$ rm -I file* # Prompt a warning message before delete 3 files
rm: remove 5 arguments? y

Delete Multiple Files using Wildcard
Delete multiple files at once using rm command in Linux using Wildcard. Here I have five text files. So to delete all files use the below command.
elinuxbook@ubuntu:~/data$ ls
file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt file4.txt file5.txt
elinuxbook@ubuntu:~/data$ rm file* # Delete Multiple Files using Wildcard

You can also delete multiple files at once with the help of file extension using rm command in Linux. Refer the command below.

elinuxbook@ubuntu:~/data$ ls
file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt file4.txt file5.txt
elinuxbook@ubuntu:~/data$ rm *.txt

We tries to include all possible rm command in Linux with examples. If some thing missed out you can comment on comment box below.
If you found this article useful then Like us, Share this post on your preferred Social media, Subscribe our Newsletter OR if you have something to say then feel free to comment on the comment box below.

Linux Server Maintenance Checklist – Linux Stans

Linux Server Maintenance Checklist - Linux Stans

Download a printable version of this Linux server maintenance checklist
It’s available in PDF and JPG. These files are high quality and print-ready.
Here’s a preview:

If you own a Linux server, you’re probably already doing some of these maintenance tasks. Our checklist will help you keep track of all the tasks you should do on your Linux server to properly maintain it.

All tasks can be changed to suit your preferences. Especially the daily tasks. You don’t need to do all tasks, they can differ depending on your setup, but generally, this checklist is a good starting point.
Daily Linux Server Maintenance Tasks

Check your monitoring tools. You should technically be checking these tools as often as possible (and set up instant alerts)
Check for errors in all logs. Check all your /var/log/ logs for errors. You can use a variation of this command to help grep -i -e fail -e error -e corrupt /var/log/syslog”
Update with critical security patches. You should run security updates often. Especially when there’s a critical security patch.

Weekly Linux Server Maintenance Tasks

Take backups. You probably already have a tool that takes automatic backups. Having multiple backups stored in different places helps.
Check if backups are working. You must verify the backups yourself. Test a backup and see if it’s working correctly.
Update the server and packages. It’s always smart to update your system, but make sure to take a backup before, and test the system after the updates.
Check RAM, CPU, and Network usage. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, look into it. Check the “culprit’s” logs. If there’s a higher usage in anything and it’s expected and not out of the ordinary, look into upgrading your server. If these usage checks are part of your monitoring tools, you might not need to do it manually.
Check if all shell scripts and cron jobs are working correctly. You can also check if everything starts correctly after a reboot.
Check if the monitoring tools are working correctly. Whatever tool you’re using, check if it’s actually monitoring the resources.
Check if load balancers are working correctly. If you have them set up.

Weekly Linux Server Maintenance Tasks

Review disk usage. If there’s an increase somewhere, inspect the culprit. If you’re near the limit, upgrade your disks.
Remove old unneeded logs. Logs can pile up sometimes, so if they are old and you don’t need them anymore, you can remove them from the server. Just to be safe, you can back them up somewhere and review the logs before removing them.
Remove old software and old kernels. You can use commands like autoremove or autoclean to remove unneeded software, but you can also check and remove manually.
Check the storage device’s health. Use a tool like smartctl to do this. If your monitoring tool already does this, you might not need to do it manually.
Review the users list and remove unneeded users. People often remove users as soon as they leave a company/server, but sometimes one might forget to do it, so some unknown or unneeded users might need to be deleted.
Review the permissions. Check if there have been any changes to the permissions of important files and directories.

Intermittent Linux Server Maintenance Tasks
There’s no recommended specific time period for these tasks, so you can do them as you prefer, on your own schedule.

Change passwords for all users. All users on the server should change their password at least twice per year.
Renew SSL certificates.
Review the server’s security.
Run a malware scan. This is debatable if you should do it at all, but better be safe than sorry. Even if you don’t have malware that works on your Linux server, you might have malware that works on Windows machines and transfer that file over to someone with a Windows machine.
Reboot and check if everything works correctly after. Is everything up and running? Did all the services that are enabled to run on startup actually run? Did anything break? Check the logs and monitoring tools after rebooting.
Review firewall rules. Are there any new rules added or removed? Were there any changes to existing rules? You might need to allow or deny specific traffic for newly installed services.

There are a lot more tasks you need to do when managing and maintaining a Linux server (or a lot less, depending on your server and use case) – this checklist is just a starting point that you should update to your preferences.
If you have any suggestions for tasks that we missed, please leave a comment below.
If you buy a managed server, you don’t need to do most of these tasks, the managed server hosting provider will do them for you, although you can always check and ask them what of these tasks they’re doing.

RESOLVED. Gradual rollout for cagefs #7.6.14-1 is paused

RESOLVED. Gradual rollout for cagefs #7.6.14-1 is paused

The gradual rollout of the rollout slot-6 for the packages  
cagefs-7.6.14-1, alt-python27-cllib-3.4.6-1, lvemanager-7.11.6-1, cagefs-7.6.14-2 was paused due to the bug CLOS-2760.
Description of the problem:
CageFS service fails to start with the following message:

cagefs.service – CageFS service    Loaded: error (Reason: Invalid argument)    Active: inactive (dead)Jun 28 13:37:41 vm-id-2449901 systemd[1]: cagefs.service has Restart= setting other than no, which isn’t allowed for Type=oneshot services. Refusing.Jun 28 13:37:41 vm-id-2449901 systemd[1]: Cannot add dependency job for unit cagefs.service, ignoring: Unit is not loaded properly: Invalid argument.

Modify the /usr/lib/systemd/system/cagefs.service file deleting the Restart=on-failure entry 
# vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/cagefs.service
Then run daemon-reload and restart cagefs service:
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart cagefs
We are planning to fix the issue and resume the slot on the 2th of July.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Update 3.07.2024
The fix was released with package cagefs #7.6.14-3.fix1. Rollout slot-6 is now available for further installations.

How to Enjoy Cloud Gaming with GeForce Now on Ubuntu

How to Enjoy Cloud Gaming with GeForce Now on Ubuntu

Let’s face it, when it comes to gaming, especially cloud gaming, we often feel left out in the cold. Fear not, because today, I’ll guide you through setting up and enjoying GeForce Now on our beloved Ubuntu system. Honestly, I’ve had my fair share of love and frustration with Linux gaming, but the possibility of cloud gaming with GeForce Now has genuinely excited me. Let’s get started!
What is GeForce Now?
Before we start, let’s quickly talk about what GeForce Now is. Simply put, GeForce Now is NVIDIA’s cloud gaming service that lets you stream games from their servers to your device. This means you can play AAA games on hardware that would normally not handle such games. Yes, even on our sometimes underestimated Ubuntu machines!
Why Ubuntu for cloud gaming?
Ubuntu, with its robustness and stability, makes for a great platform for gaming, despite popular belief. With the advancement of cloud gaming services like GeForce Now, it’s becoming increasingly accessible. However, since GeForce Now doesn’t officially support Linux (a bummer, I know), we’ll have to employ a workaround. But where there’s a will (and a terminal), there’s a way!
Step-by-step guide to set up GeForce Now on Ubuntu
Method 1:Using the Web Browser
1. Installing a compatible browser
As of my last adventure with GeForce Now, the service works best on Chrome or browsers based on Chromium. Ubuntu comes with Firefox by default, which is fantastic, but for GeForce Now, we might need to make a little adjustment.
Install Google Chrome
Open your terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and enter the following commands:
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

If you encounter dependency errors, fix them with:
sudo apt-get install -f

And that’s it for Chrome! If you’re more privacy-inclined and prefer a Chromium-based alternative, Brave or Chromium itself are good to go as well.
2. Creating a GeForce Now account
Next, head over to the GeForce Now website on your newly installed browser and sign up for an account. Choose the plan that suits you. Remember, patience is a virtue, especially when dealing with new account creations and selections.
3. Accessing GeForce Now
With your account set up, accessing GeForce Now is as simple as navigating to the GeForce Now web application in your browser. Log in with your credentials, and you should be greeted with the GeForce Now interface.
4. Tweaking browser settings for optimal performance
Here’s a personal tip: Enable hardware acceleration in your browser settings to improve streaming quality. In Chrome, go to Settings > Advanced > System and ensure “Use hardware acceleration when available” is turned on. This makes a noticeable difference, trust me.

5. Launching a game
Now, for the moment of truth. Browse through the games library, select a game you own or is free-to-play, and hit “Play.” If all goes well, you should be streaming the game directly to your Ubuntu machine. The first time I did this, I was grinning ear to ear. The future is now!
Method 2: Using the Unofficial Client (Snap)
The unofficial client is a community-developed wrapper for the web app and might not be as stable or feature-rich as a native client.
1. Ensure Snap is installed
Ubuntu comes with Snap pre-installed from version 16.04 LTS onwards. If for some reason you don’t have it, you can easily install Snap by opening a terminal and typing:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd

2. Install GeForce Now using Snap
With Snap ready, installing GeForce Now is as simple as running one command:
sudo snap install geforcenow

This command downloads and installs the GeForce Now snap package, which is essentially a version of the app packaged to run on Linux platforms, including Ubuntu. It’s a community-supported package that wraps around the Windows version of GeForce Now, using Wine to ensure compatibility.

3. Running GeForce Now
Once installed, you can start GeForce Now either by searching for it in your application menu or by running the following command in a terminal:

4. Logging in and playing
From here, the process is similar to what you’d expect on a supported platform. Log in with your NVIDIA account, and you’ll have access to your library and the ability to stream games.
Performance tips
While cloud gaming doesn’t require a powerful PC, your internet connection plays a crucial role. Ensure you’re on a stable, high-speed connection. Wired connections trump WiFi for stability, but if you’re on WiFi, try to minimize network congestion.
Also, close unnecessary applications to free up system resources, ensuring a smoother streaming experience.
Can I use GeForce Now on Ubuntu without Google Chrome?
Yes, you can use any Chromium-based browser, such as Brave or Chromium itself. The key is to ensure the browser supports hardware acceleration and is compatible with the GeForce Now streaming service.

Is GeForce Now free to use on Ubuntu?
GeForce Now offers both free and paid tiers. The free tier has limitations, like session length, while paid tiers offer longer session times and additional features. The setup process on Ubuntu is the same regardless of the plan.
Do I need a powerful Ubuntu machine to use GeForce Now?
No, since the games are streamed from NVIDIA’s servers, your local hardware requirements are minimal. However, a good internet connection is crucial for a smooth gaming experience.
How can I improve streaming quality on Ubuntu?
Ensure hardware acceleration is enabled in your browser settings, use a wired internet connection if possible, and close unnecessary apps to free up bandwidth and system resources.
What should I do if a game doesn’t stream well on GeForce Now?
First, check your internet connection and try lowering the streaming quality in GeForce Now’s settings. If issues persist, try switching to a different browser or checking NVIDIA’s forums for specific game-related issues.
Can I use a game controller with GeForce Now on Ubuntu?
Yes, GeForce Now supports game controllers. Most controllers that can connect to your Ubuntu machine should work, but you might need to configure them depending on the model and connection method.

Will GeForce Now officially support Linux in the future?
As of when this article was written, NVIDIA has not announced official support for Linux. However, the Linux community often finds workarounds for such services, and NVIDIA is aware of the demand.
With the steps outlined above, you can easily play games on your Ubuntu system using the GeForce NOW cloud gaming service. With a strong internet connection and a compatible controller, you can enjoy a seamless gaming experience on your Linux machine. Although there are a few drawbacks to cloud gaming, such as latency and the requirement for a constant internet connection, GeForce NOW offers a fantastic solution for Linux users who want to play the newest games without spending a lot of money on pricey hardware.

Change ADFS TLS Certificate | Lisenet.com :: Linux | Security

Lisenet.com :: Linux

There are different ways to get this wrong.
The Problem
We need to change a TLS certificate that is used by ADFS to a new one.
The Solution
First of all, import your new TLS certificate and private key.
Open command prompt (CMD) as administrator and execute the following command (where lisenet.com.pfx is the file we want to import):
certutil -importpfx lisenet.com.pfx AT_KEYEXCHANGE
Make sure to provide the password used to protect the PFX file.
Open Powershell as administrator and execute the following command:
Set-ADFSProperties -AutoCertificateRollover $false
Find the new certificate’s thumbprint, see the image below for more info.

Set ADFS certificate using the thumbprint:
Set-AdfsSslCertificate -Thumbprint 881654f591f8bf73359524f46008e20509df08a5
Undo previous changes and restart the ADFS service:
Set-ADFSProperties -AutoCertificateRollover $true
Restart-Service ADFSSRV

This entry was posted in Windows and tagged ADFS. Bookmark the permalink. If you notice any errors, please contact us.

How to install helm in kubernetes cluster

How to install helm in kubernetes cluster

This article will guide you on how to install helm in kubernetes cluster. You might be aware that Helm is the package manger that can be deployed in kubernetes.

Using Helm you can deploy application and manage them easily.To read more about the helm please follow this link.
To show case the demo, we are going to install helm version 2 so that later may be we can see other post which can guide us on how to migrate to helm version 3.

Create the service account required.

# kubectl create serviceaccount –namespace kube-system tiller
serviceaccount/tiller created

 Create the cluster role binding in the cluster.

# kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller –clusterrole cluster-admin –serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/tiller created

Download the helm binaries and extract it. In this case we are installing helm version 2.16.9

# wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v2.16.9-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# tar -zxvf helm-v2.16.9-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# cd linux-amd64/
# ls -ltr
total 78672
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 39919616 Jun 16 14:17 helm
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 40615936 Jun 16 14:20 tiller
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 3444 Jun 16 14:20 README.md
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 11343 Jun 16 14:20 LICENSE

Now move the helm binary to /usr/local/bin

# mv helm /usr/local/bin/helm

Check the version of the helm.

# which helm
# helm version
Client: &version.Version{SemVer:”v2.16.9″, GitCommit:”8ad7037828e5a0fca1009dabe290130da6368e39″, GitTreeState:”clean”}
Error: could not find tiller
# helm version –short
Client: v2.16.9+g8ad7037

Initialize the helm using helm init command as below.

# helm init –service-account tiller
Creating /root/.helm
Creating /root/.helm/repository
Creating /root/.helm/repository/cache
Creating /root/.helm/repository/local
Creating /root/.helm/plugins
Creating /root/.helm/starters
Creating /root/.helm/cache/archive
Creating /root/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml
Adding stable repo with URL: https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
Adding local repo with URL:
$HELM_HOME has been configured at /root/.helm.

Tiller (the Helm server-side component) has been installed into your Kubernetes Cluster.

Please note: by default, Tiller is deployed with an insecure ‘allow unauthenticated users’ policy.
To prevent this, run `helm init` with the –tiller-tls-verify flag.
For more information on securing your installation see: https://v2.helm.sh/docs/securing_installation/

Cross check that tiller is running fine in the kubernetes using below command.

# kubectl -n kube-system get pod,deploy|grep -i tiller
pod/tiller-deploy-8488d98b4c-9xpbg 1/1 Running 0 14s
deployment.apps/tiller-deploy 1/1 1 1 14s

Once you see that tiller is running fine fire helm list command to cross verify. In the beginning it will show blank output.

# helm list
Some other commands to cross verify your helm:
# helm search jenkins
stable/jenkins 2.1.0 lts Open source continuous integration server. It supports mu…
# helm home
# helm version –short
Client: v2.16.9+g8ad7037
Server: v2.16.9+g8ad7037
# helm repo list
stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
In case you want to install jenkins use below command:
# helm install stable/jenkins
Once installed you can list down it using below helm list command:
# helm list
khaki-kitten 1 Thu Jun 25 02:05:27 2020 DEPLOYED jenkins-2.1.0 lts default
So this is all about “How to install helm” in kubernetes and cross-verify it for successful installation.

How to hack WPS wifi using android

How to hack WPS wifi using android

Below is a guest post by Shabbir, and I’d like to add some comments describing what to expect ahead. First, there are two methods, both are very simple. One works with rooted phones only, and the other works with/without root. Without root you can get connected to the wireless network, but won’t find out it’s password. These methods work only on vulnerable wifis, so success rate is low. Still, since it’s a 5 minute process (simply install an app from play store), it might be worth the effort for most people. <actual post starts below>

You know if you ask me, hacking a wifi network
is easiest of the all hacking techniques. And Yes, it is Boring, time consuming
and difficult to hack wifi when it comes to android. Because in android you
don’t have much powerful resources and you don’t have many hacking attacks and
don’t have lots of hacking tools like you do have in Laptop, Pc or mac.

In Today’s post we are going to cover the
topic “how to hack wifi with android”.

Hi, this is Shabbir from thzone.net. A guest writer, and contributor at kali

We are going to exploit a wifi vulnerability
found in most of the router’s security called WPS (wifi protected setup).

According to Wikipedia. A major security flaw was revealed in December
2011 that affects wireless routers with the WPS PIN feature, which most recent
models have enabled by default. The flaw allows a remote attacker to recover
the WPS PIN in a few hours with a brute-force
attack and, with the WPS PIN, the network’s WPA/WPA2 pre-shared key. Users have been urged
to turn off the WPS PIN feature.

We are describing two methods that are most
effective in hacking wifi with android and are almost successful.

Things Required for Both tutorials

Phone with good Processor and RAM
Phone Must be Rooted
Wifi Network to hack (Very Important)
WPS CONNECT app from Play store (for 1st
WPA Tester app (for 2nd tutorial)

How this is
going hack wi-fi Let’s get to the process

Many Guy says this is the fake app but hey guys this is not a fake
app, this is working app for hacking wi-fi password from android mobile. You
can hack WiFi network with this app, which has WPS enabled in their router

If you found any wi-fi network in your Android
mobile, which shows WPS security. You can easily connect with any WPS
 security wifi without given any type password. WPS Connect bypasses WPS
security and gives you access to connect with wi-fi without typing any
Check this guide to learn how to hack wifi 

Some of recent
wifi hacking tutorials.

WPA/WPA2 WPS – Reaver – Kali Linux
Twin Tutorial
WPA/WPA2 without dictionary/bruteforce : Fluxion
Hacking – WEP – Kali Linux Aircrack-ng suite
Wifite : Hacking Wifi The Easy Way : Kali Linux
click here for More Wifi Hacking Tutorials

With this app, you’ll connect to WiFi networks
which have WPS protocol enabled. This feature was only available in version
4.1.2 of Android.
App developed for educational purposes. I am not
responsible for any misuse.
WPS Connect is focused on verifying if your
router is vulnerable to a default PIN. Many routers that companies install own
vulnerabilities in this aspect. With this application, you can check if your
router is vulnerable or not and act accordingly.
Includes default PINs, as well as algorithms
such Zhao Chesung (ComputePIN) or Stefan Viehböck (easyboxPIN).

Step 1

Open the app


Tap Refresh Icon to get wifi AP with Mac addresses

Step 3

Tap on the wifi you wanna hack

Step 4

Try every pin one by one in the app and try to hack wifi

Step 5

You have successfully hacked wi-fi via WPS.

2nd app is Wi-fi WPS WPA Tester

Connect app hack only WPS routers with limited features. But this is an
advanced app for hacking wifi password from
android mobile. Make sure your phone is rooted. You can check
the wireless security of your routers from this Android app. If your router is
not secure this wifi hacking android app easily
bypass wifi password from android mobile and connect with
android mobile to router directly without need any type of password.
The algorithm of wps default (zaochensung) SOME of the routers, you can receive
the WPA WPA2 WEP set to the router.

Step 1

Open the app

Step 2

Tap on the wifi you wanna hack


Try every pin one by one in the app and try to hack wifi


 After that app will
try to brute force and if it succeeded then You have successfully hacked wi-fi
via WPS. If some problem came in that process. Ask us in Comment Section.


This wifi hacking Android apps works in rooted
and without rooted android mobile. So you can easily hack wifi password from your android phone without rooting your
android phone with
this app.

Nyxt: Hacker’s Dream Browser – blackMORE Ops

Nyxt The Hacker

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the demand for specialized tools and platforms has grown exponentially. For hackers and technology enthusiasts, having a browser that caters to their unique needs and empowers their capabilities is crucial. Enter Nyxt, an innovative and versatile web browser designed specifically with hackers in mind. With its rich feature set, customizable interface, and powerful scripting capabilities, Nyxt has garnered attention as the go-to browser for those seeking an unparalleled browsing experience. In this article, we delve into the world of Nyxt and explore why it has become a favorite among hackers.

Unleashing Power and Flexibility
Nyxt is an open-source, extensible web browser built on the powerful Common Lisp programming language. Its main focus is on providing an efficient and customizable browsing experience that empowers users to navigate the web according to their preferences. What sets Nyxt apart is its emphasis on extensibility and scripting capabilities, which allow users to automate tasks, create custom workflows, and develop intricate web interactions.
Nyxt’s Features and Functionality
Command-Oriented Interface: Nyxt utilizes a command-oriented interface, allowing users to interact with the browser using keyboard shortcuts and commands. This feature boosts productivity and makes it ideal for power users who prefer a more efficient browsing experience.
Multiple Engine Support: Nyxt supports multiple rendering engines, including WebKit and Chrome, providing users with flexibility and choice. Users can switch between engines seamlessly, selecting the one that best suits their needs for each browsing session.
Powerful Scripting Capabilities: Nyxt incorporates powerful scripting capabilities through its Common Lisp-based scripting environment. Users can create complex scripts to automate tasks, manipulate web pages, and interact with APIs, unlocking endless possibilities for customization and efficiency.
Keyboard-Driven Navigation: Nyxt excels at keyboard-driven navigation, allowing users to navigate and interact with web content without the need for a mouse. This feature, combined with its command-oriented interface, enables rapid browsing and streamlined workflows.
Dynamic Window Management: Nyxt offers dynamic window management, enabling users to organize their browsing sessions in a manner that suits their preferences. Users can create multiple windows, split views, and arrange them based on their specific needs, promoting efficient multitasking.
Extensibility and Customization: Nyxt’s extensible nature allows users to personalize their browsing experience to a remarkable degree. With the ability to create and share extensions, themes, and custom commands, users can tailor Nyxt to match their workflow and enhance their productivity.
Security and Privacy Considerations
While Nyxt is highly regarded among hackers for its powerful capabilities, it is essential to address the ethical implications of its use. Hackers and security researchers must always adhere to legal and ethical guidelines, using Nyxt responsibly and for legitimate purposes. It is crucial to respect individuals’ privacy, follow applicable laws, and contribute positively to the technology community.
Nyxt has emerged as a standout browser for hackers and technology enthusiasts, offering an array of features and customization options that enhance productivity and flexibility. Its scripting capabilities, command-oriented interface, and extensibility set it apart from traditional browsers, catering to the unique needs of power users. However, it is important to emphasize responsible and ethical usage of Nyxt, ensuring it is utilized for legitimate purposes and in compliance with legal guidelines. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Nyxt stands as a testament to the power of customization and the pursuit of an exceptional browsing experience.
