Wine 9.14 Continues Working On ODBC Windows Driver Support, Fixes For AOL

Wine 9.14 Continues Working On ODBC Windows Driver Support, Fixes For AOL

Wine 9.14 is another release off its usual Friday bi-weekly release regiment and instead debuted on Sunday evening. With this Wine 9.14 release there are yet more fixes and improvements while Wine-Staging 9.14 was also released near concurrently.
Wine 9.14 re-implements mail slots using server-side I/O, continues working on ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) Windows driver support that’s been carried over from the prior release, and there is yet more USER32 data structure work within shared memory. The bug fixes in Wine 9.14 help games from Civilization I and Warlords III to having two bug fixes for handling the AOL desktop software… Yes, America Online. Wine’s new CMD.EXE implementation can also now properly handle || and &&. Downloads and more details on the Wine 9.14 development release via Wine-Staging 9.14 is also now available with 371 patches atop upstream Wine. Wine-Staging is slightly smaller due to some of the ODBC patches in Wine 9.14 coming from the staging repository. Wine-Staging 9.14 also carries a new patch working on the IDXGISwapChain::GetFrameStatistics implementation.


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